"All students to the great hall." The head boy was shouting to the crowds of students. Some of the students were all ready dressed in their uniform, other were in their nightwear.
"Now! All students to the great hall." He shouted again.Adelaide walked over and sat next to Tom, who gave her a smile.
"It is with a heavy heart I have to tell you all this extremely unfortunate news." The headmaster Dippet said in a weary voice. "Last night, a student was murdered here in Hogwarts. The student was Myrtle Warren." He informed everyone. "The school is at a great risk of been closed down."
The whole erupted into chatter. Students were crying, some were crying for the girl, some were crying because they were frightened. Adelaide couple briefly remember the girl from a few lesson. She had never spoken to her, but she could remember her rather large glasses.
Adelaide looked down at her hands. The basilisk had killed her because Tom had ordered it too.
But that doesn't matter because in order for Tom to achieve his goals, that will soon benefit everyone, things will have to be sacrificed. But it's for the greater good. She could remember a cheesy saying her grandmother use to always say, "in order to get a rainbow, there has to be a little rain." And this is exactly what has to happen.
Myrtle had to die. And now that she is dead, Tom can start to make great things happen.
Soon everything will fall into place.Adelaide grabbed toms hand and gave it a little squeeze. She failed to notice dumb endorse suspiciously looking at the two of them. However, Tom didn't and his anger and resentment toward the professor continued to rapidly increase.
A few days later, Tom and Adelaide were doing prefect duties. The school was still on high alert and the prefects were told to be extremely careful.
Tom was angry because something had gone wrong and he school was at risk of closing down.
"I can't go back to that muggle orphanage." Tom spat.
"Then what are you going to do?" Adelaide asked him in a calm voice.
"I'll have to close the chamber and frame someone for he murder." Tom said in a voice with no emotion.
Adelaide knew that closing the chamber was the last thing Tom wanted to do. But he couldn't afford to have the school closed down.
Adelaide went to say something but Tom stopped her."Go to bed, Adelaide. I'll fix this." He assured her.
"Adelaide, it's fine. I don't want you to get involved in this." He told her.
"Okay. Are you sure you will be fine?" She asked and Tom smirked.
"Of course." He kissed her before walking away.Adelaide walked up to her dormitory and sat on her bed.
Tom will be fine. He never fails. He will make everything ok and then the school won't close.•••
The following morning, the students were once again called back into the great hall for another important announcement.
Tom sat down next to Adelaide and was looking rather proud and mysteriously happy.
Adelaide gave him a questioning look but he only smiled.A cheery professor Dippet stood in front of the students.
"Good morning!" He called out. "I have some great news for you all, Hogwarts will not be closing down!" He exclaimed and everyone cheered and clapped, including Adelaide. "A courageous student of ours had managed to catch the person who had committed the crimes. Do not worry that student is going to be facing a trial and will no longer be a threat to any of you." He informed them. "The student who had solved this mystery will be awarded with a special service to the school award. So can Tom Riddle please come up here."Tom stood up and pridefully walked up to the professor. He smiled and shook the headmasters hand.
Adelaide was widely smiling and clapping for Tom.Everything was okay.
Adelaide and Tom spent the rest of the day and night in the room of requirement celebrating. Both knew that Tom didn't deserve the reward but they both celebrated him earning it anyway.
I love him ~~ Tom Riddle
Fanfiction"You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but that doesn't change its nature." Tom riddle did love. Only once. Tom and Adelaide were the only ones for each other. They were perfect because Adelaide was blinded by love and so was unable to...