Chapter 2

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The moon glowing brilliantly in the sky slowly began to fall, and as the stars disappeared for the day, the sun rose above the horizon and colored the heavens with bright, warm shades of pink and orange. The clocks in Alola ticked as hours went by, and the sun rose to its highest point in the bright blue sky as soon as noon hit.

A little boy around the age of six was playing in his front yard with his Yungoos, laughing as they played tag together. The boy dashed across the grass in pursuit of his Pokemon, and he cheered in victory when he managed to tag the incredibly fast mongoose-Pokemon after several failed attempts. The sound of dirt crunching beneath someone's feet on the main dirt road in front of the boy's house suddenly caught his attention, and as he looked up to see who was coming his way, he smiled and waved excitedly.

"Altair! Altair!" The little boy ran over the the twenty-year-old coming his way, super excited to see the Alolan legend as he bounded up and down with high energy.

The young man who stood at an impeccable height of six-foot-four-inches with short, spiky black hair and purple eyes as deep and dark as the midnight sky, chuckled as the little boy crashed into his long legs and tugged on his rugged black jeans. "Whoa there! Be careful, you nearly just knocked me over!"

"Sorry, Altair..." The little boy apologized with a sheepish look on his face, and he looked up at the very handsome young man, Altair, who was currently sporting a very worn, black leather jacket over a white tank. "Hey, do you think you could teach me and Yungoos how to work together like real Pokemon Trainers do?"

"What are you talking about?" Altair furrowed his brow in confusion as he reached down and pat the kid on his shoulder. "You already are a real Pokemon Trainer, kiddo."

The little boy widened his eyes in awe as he looked up at Altair. "R-really!?"

Altair smiled sweetly to the kid as he continued to walk on down the road, keeping his back to the kid as he spoke. "Of course. Any kid who's got a Yungoos who looks at his Trainer like that is a real Pokemon Trainer." He paused, then turned to look back over his shoulder at the young boy to say something before he resumed walking again. "And any time you need help training, you know where to find me. Stop by any time."

The little boy looked down at his Yungoos beside him, taking notice of the love in his Pokemon's eyes as he looked up at his little Trainer. The boy turned and watched Altair go with a giant grin on his face, vigorously waving to the tall young man as he walked away. "Thank you!!"

The little boy resumed playing tag after he watched the Alolan legend go, and Altair made his way down the dirt road before he stopped in front of a rather large house with a "for sale" sign in front that now had the word "sold" painted across it diagonally in bold red letters. There was something about the house that made Altair stop in his tracks just to look at it, but he didn't know what. He stared at the house for a moment before taking a left turn and making his way down a little hill towards a small hut on the beach, and every single person he passed by waved with smiles on their faces and said hello to Altair. The twenty-year-old smiled and waved back as usual, and was now just mere steps away from his destination.

Meanwhile, inside of the hut...

Professor Kukui was in the middle of a Skype call with his little cousin Nova when the front door to his lab suddenly opened and closed. He looked off screen for a moment, spotted the man who walked in, and then quickly tried to wrap up the conversation. "Alright, Nova, I've gotta introduce you to everybody, so can you send me a photo to use for your Trainer Passport?"

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