Chapter 5

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"Now, Popplio! Send it flying with a water gun!"

Popplio looked back at her Trainer and drew in a sharp breath, shooting a powerful torrent of water right at the wild Yungoos, who failed to dodge the attack and took the full force of it head on. Yungoos let out a startled cry as he was sent skidding across the patches of grass outside of Nova's house, and he scampered away in fear at his loss.

"Yes!" Nova balled her hand into a fist as she grinned brightly, bringing her fist down in victory. "Great job, Popplio!"

"Bwark!" Popplio did a little flip in the air as she cheered at Nova's praise, thrilled that she won her battle yet again.

Nova's crushing loss to Hau yesterday was just the slap in the face she needed. She didn't have a clue how to be a Pokemon Trainer, or how to battle, rather, and walking around with her head held high and acting like she knew everything just wasn't going to get her anywhere. She went home that night and took care of Popplio with a new resolve: the next day, they would train together tirelessly until they improved.

And train they did.

Nova had woken up early this morning and went straight to Professor Kukui's lab for some tips from the expert himself. She knew that of all people, Professor Kukui, the move-master, would know a thing or two about battling, and that he did. Nova was a little shocked by how much advice he actually had to give her, but what was the most helpful was the function in her Pokedex that could scan a Pokemon and tell her what moves it knew. Apparently, Popplio's two best attacks she had under her belt already were pound and water gun, and once Nova knew what she had to work with, battling wasn't so hard any more. Granted, she was still no expert, but Nova felt as if she had improved tremendously compared to how she battled yesterday. She had to be prepared for her battle today, and this time, she wouldn't lose.

The duo of Popplio and Nova had been training and practicing on the wild Pokemon outside of Nova's house all morning and afternoon, and now that the sun was beginning to go down, Nova heavily plopped down in a patch of grass that looked over the sparkling water of the rippling ocean beneath the small cliff she was on. Both her and Popplio had been training tirelessly all day, and they were really starting to feel it now.

"Phew..." Nova let out the breath she was holding and inhaled slowly, closing her eyes as she let the light breeze run through her hair. "You did good work today, Popplio. I'm proud of you." She smiled and high-flippered Popplio, who let out a cheery "bwark!" in response to Nova's praise.

Nova stared blankly out at the glittering ocean before her, unconsciously smiling at the scenic view as she delved deep within her thoughts. Her loss yesterday was horrible, and Nova felt completely dejected yesterday night while she tended to Popplio and helped her recover from her injuries. She promised herself that this time would be better, and she wouldn't let down Popplio again. A partnership between a Trainer and Pokemon was a two way street; the Pokemon weren't the only ones who had to work hard.


Nova looked up at the sound of her name being called, and Popplio, who was sitting in her lap, sat straight up too and followed her Trainer's line of sight until her little blue eyes rested on Professor Kukui.

"Kukui!" Nova reached up and waved to her cousin with her full arm, grinning brightly in his direction. "Is it time already?"

"Yeah! Ready to go?" Professor Kukui began walking towards her as he inquisitively rose an eyebrow.

"Almost." Nova quickly got up and patted Popplio on her head before returning her to her Pokeball, then began to meet Professor Kukui halfway as she walked towards him. "Once I get changed, we can go."

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