Chapter 8

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Lillie plodded ahead of the two behind her, leaving Nova and Altair to themselves as they walked beside one another. As the two of them began to put some distance between themselves and the Trainer's School, Altair looked over at Nova with a serious expression that immediately earned her attention. 

"So... Have you decided?" Altair jammed his hands in his jacket pockets as he shot her a sideways glance.

Nova stopped and blinked as she turned to look at Altair, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Decided what?"

An uneven smirk came across Altair's lips as he realized their conversation from earlier had completely slipped her mind. "Don't you remember our agreement?"

Nova's eyes slowly widened as she suddenly recalled Altair's words from earlier.

"Stick with me for the rest of today, and let me help you through clearing the Trainer School challenge. If you still think by the end of today that I'm just an annoyance who shouldn't bother helping you, I'll back off."

Nova swallowed long and hard as she realized he was probably awaiting her answer now. "Oh... That agreement."

Altair grinned mischievously as he leaned closer to his face with his hands remaining in his pockets, backing Nova up against the Trainer School's fence. "So? What'll it be?"

Nova's back hit the fence as she kept her distance from the taunting, charming idiot. Her eyes were as wide as a Deerling's staring down headlights. "I..."

Altair cocked his head to the side as he eagerly leaned in even closer to hear her barely audible words. "Yes...?"

Nova turned her head to the side with a frown so his face wouldn't be so close to hers, and she bitterly bit down on her lower lip as she furrowed her eyebrows. "...I guess you could stick around for a little longer."

Altair's whole face lit up with the excitement of a little boy on Christmas morning, and he instantly retreated back to his own personal space bubble as he straightened up his posture. "Alright! You won't regret this, Nova. I have so much to teach you still!"

Nova rolled her eyes and held up her hand to keep some distance between them as Altair went in for a hug, firmly rejecting the guy. "Don't get too carried away there, Casanova. Baby steps."

Altair swiftly took a step back from her and awkwardly ran a hand through his hair, wearing a sheepish grin all the while. "Right... Sorry!" He turned to look at the blonde ahead of him, laughing as he called out to her. "Hey, Lillie, slow down a little. You're leaving us in the dust!"

Lillie came to a startling halt at the sound of Altair's voice way behind her, and she flashed him a guilty smile as she tightened her grip on her barrel bag. "Oops, sorry...!" She jogged back a little to rejoin the two souls as polar opposite as the sun and moon.

A familiar, boyish voice rang out from behind the trio, causing all of their heads to turn. "Hey, guys!"

"Hau...?" Nova quirked an eyebrow at the sight of her younger rival running up to them with a stupidly happy smile plastered across his face.

Hau stopped in front of the three and let out a heavy exhale, catching his breath as he grinned at them. "So where are you three off to now?"

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