Chapter 6

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She stood in the middle of a shallow, large lake between two mountains underneath the blanket of the dark, starry night sky. The crisp, light blue water only came up to her ankles where she stood, and a chilling breeze sifted through her curly white hair as she stood there in a somber silence. The valley between the mountains was blanketed in glowing, iridescent purple flowers and dark, forest green grass that surrounded the clear lake. Several hundred Volbeat and Illumise flying around above lit up as bright as the stars as their red and purple glows reflected on the clear water's surface.

Nova looked down to see she was wearing an all-white, high-low dress with a strapless, sweetheart neckline. The bottom hem of the dress was trimmed with a gorgeous ruffled lace, and the entire gown glittered like the stars with every movement she made. Her white hair was left down as it flowed along with the soft breeze, and she looked around her surroundings in confusion as she began to wonder how she had gotten here.

" this place?" Nova turned slowly in circles as she examined the valley with a scrutinizing look on her face. She looked up at the dark sky and stared absentmindedly at the luminescent moon, but she suddenly jolted in fear when she caught a glimpse of a dark shadow suddenly rush by her.

"Who's there!?" Nova looked around her in a panic, desperately searching for what just dashed by her and left a cold chill running through her body.

The dark shadow zoomed by her once more, and Nova quickly whirled around and narrowed her eyes as she searched for it within the darkness of the patch of flowers behind her. "Is anyone there? Hello!?" She scanned the dark, grassy area covered in flowers with her eyes, sharply breathing shallow breaths as her heart raced in fear.

As Nova kept her back to the glittering lake, she heard a light splashing sound behind her slowly begin to grow louder and louder. It sounded like someone was walking across the water and heading towards her, and her whole body tensed up in fear as she dreaded turning around.

A familiar scent caught Nova's nose as the dark figure behind her crept closer and closer, and tears pricked at her eyes at the smell of that cologne she recognized anywhere. That horrible, musky sandalwood she hated oh so much.

The footsteps stopped, and as a single tear rolled down Nova's cheek, she worked up the courage within herself to slowly turn around and face the figure behind her.

"Dad...?" Nova meekly called out as she turned around, and she felt her heart slam against her chest and sink down into the pit of her stomach when she was met with absolutely nothing.

The calm breeze suddenly picked up into a whirling, strong wind as it sharply ran through Nova like a cold chill, blowing wildly through her dress and hair as she looked ahead at the empty, open lake in despair.


Nova shot straight up from her bed in a panic, clutching her heart for support as she heaved in order to catch her breath. Her heart was racing uncontrollably fast as tears pricked at her eyes, and the second she was able to regulate her breathing again, she fell backwards and let her head slam against her pillow as she sunk into her mattress once more.

"Again with that dream..." Nova lightly shut her eyes as her fear from that recurring nightmare slowly began to ebb away.

She always had that dream whenever she moved to a new place. Nova thought it was strange that it took two nights for her to have that dream this time. Usually, it happened on the first night, but this time her nightmare waited a little while longer to torture her.

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