Chapter 7

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Nova awkwardly walked alongside Altair as they stepped out of Professor Kukui's lab, heading back up the hill in a long, uncomfortable silence. Well, it was at least uncomfortable to Nova. Altair was fine with not saying anything, and he just continued to take the lead and guide Nova back up the hill and in the direction of both Hau'oli City and the Trainer's School.

Nova kicked at small rocks as she stared down at her feet, wracking her brain for something to say as they walked along the dusty, dirt road. She tried to think of literally anything to break the tense, awkward silence between them. " you're a teacher at the Trainer's School too?"

"Yeah, I started teaching there last year." Altair seemed distant about the subject as he jammed his hands into his jean pockets, and Nova internally kicked herself for that socializing fail.

Rotom poked its head out of Nova's bag, mockingly laughing at her. "Kzzzt! Epic converzzzzation fail, Nova."

"Shut it." Nova bitterly sighed as she harshly whispered that to Rotom, shoving it back into her bag. She flashed Altair's back a quick glare as she wondered if this is what it was like to be Lillie. "Seriously, is there anything you don't do?"

Altair paused and turned to look at her curiously over his shoulder, and his eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. "Huh? Did you say something?"

Nova awkwardly averted her gaze and bit her lip. "Nothing..."

Altair seemed to go back to his usual self as they walked past Nova's house and began approaching a large white building with a red roof. "Anyways, before we head out for the Trainer's School, let me show you around the Pokemon Center, Nova." He gestured toward the large building as they walked up to the door, and Altair graciously held it open for her.

Nova looked displeased as she stared ahead with the most horrified look of dread on her face. "Ugh... This is about to be a really boring tour, isn't it?"

Altair let out a little laugh at Nova's facial expression, and he gestured to her to go inside. "No, of course not! Don't worry, I'll try to make things interesting."

Somehow that really wasn't reassuring to Nova, and the white-haired girl just rolled her eyes as she strode in through the front door. "Great..."

However, the second Altair stepped inside, he was blitz attacked by a little boy who looked to be no older than seven years old.

"Altair!!" The young boy with the biggest face-splitting grin ran up to Altair, beaming up at the older boy as he excitedly spoke to him.

"Oh, hey kiddo!" Altair seemed to recognize the kid immediately, much to Nova's confusion. He didn't even seem to mind suddenly being bombarded by the kid's enthusiasm as Nova watched their exchange with a scrutinizing look. "How did training with Yungoos go? Did the tips I gave you help at all?"

The little boy's whole face seemed to light up brighter than the sun as he clutched the Pokeball in his hand tightly and pressed it against his heart. "Yeah, they really did! Now, when I battle with Yungoos, coming up with a strategy is so much easier!"

"That's great!" Altair's lips turned up into the biggest, most angelic smile Nova had ever seen, and she felt her mind turn to mush as she looked at the dazzling, boyish grin on his face. "I'm glad I was able to help!"

The little boy seemed to finally take notice of Nova standing beside his role model, and he tugged gently on Altair's pant leg as he gestured to the unfamiliar white-haired girl. "Altair, who's that?"

"Hmm?" Altair turned to follow the boy's line of sight, and he smiled gently when his eyes landed on Nova's awkward face. "Oh, this is Nova, my new apprentice. She just moved to town, so I'm showing her around."

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