Chapter 6 - Dinner and Tears

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Lord Fallacy never leaves my side during the rest of the visit over the next few days.  Other Lords have come to visit and we are all dining together.  I am eating calmly. We are all eating the same thing.  Some Lord's food looks different, some is raw.   Mines medium rare, instead of raw to hide I am a vampire.  Lord Fallacy is sitting right beside me, sadly so is Lord Dream.  I am closer to Lord Fallacy though.  "Encre... Do you care to sleep with me tonight?"  Lord Dream asks.  I get an irk mark.  "I will not, sleep with you, Lord Dream."  I say calmly, continuing to eat.  "Mortal... Do tell us where you are from."  I hear.  "I am from the Royal castle."  I answer calmly.  I am continuing to eat my food.  "So you are royalty?  Explains why your manors are so proper and elegant."  Another lord says.  "I only worked as the artist.  My art is all over the castle, at the king and queen's request."   I answer, my voice never faltering.  "So, cutie, have any family?" Lord Dream asks.  "No."  I answer.  Lord Fallacy is looking at me surprised.  I finish my food in peace.  

The silence gets to be too much for me as I sit calmly.  Suave removes my plate.  "Cutie~ You look agitated, why don't you come over here, I'll make you feel better."  Lord Dream says smirking.  "I would prefer to stay in my seat, Lord Dream."  I say calmly.  Suave sets down my usual tea in front of me.  I nod towards him.  He blushes.  I drink my tea calmly.  It's hot, but I do not mind the heat.  "Mortal, you seem to be thinking hard on something."  A Lord states.  "May we know why you are thinking so hard?"  Another Lord asks.  I set down my tea calmly.  "I am wondering of the reasons, why a certain person at the table insists me to sleep with him."  I state smirking.  Some of the lords laugh at that.  "Why would I not want to?  You clearly can defend yourself against a vampire.   Or are you at the mercy of Lord Fallacy?  Because if that is so, you may always come with me."  Lord Dream says with a snide smile.   "Learn some table manners, and to control your ego, then we can talk about those subjects."  I say looking at his elbows on the table.  Some of the lords are howling with laughter.  Lord Dream removes his elbows from the table as I continue to drink my tea.  "You little..."  Lord Dream says getting up harshly. "Encre, you are allowed."  Lord Fallacy says.  I place down my empty tea cup.  "Lord Dream, remember what happened only a few days ago."  I say.  Lord Dream looks appalled.  "Why don't I train you to obey, your Lords."  He snaps.  I stand and grab him by his collar.  I then shove him back using my strength.  "For a mortal, that is some power he has.  No wonder you like him Lord Fallacy."  I hear a Lord say.  Me and Lord Fallacy both smirk.  Lord Dream is helped up by a few maids.  Two of them swoon, and the other is Gazelle.  She comes over to me.  "Lord Encre, are you alright?  Is your chest hurting?"  She asks.  I place a hand over hers.  "I am alright Gazelle."  I say gently.  Lord Dream approaches me swiftly.  Lord Fallacy only has allowed me to use my strength here, to hide I am a vampire.  I then get into a fight stance Paint taught me when we were kids.  Lord Dream has his fangs clear as day.  Lord Fallacy comes up behind me and Lord Dream stops moving.  "I will make Encre mine, Fallacy."  Lord Fallacy smirks.  "Forgive me Encre."  He says before kissing me in front of everyone.  He is undoing my shirt and pushing my collar to the side. I hide my face in Lord Fallacy's chest after pulling away from him.   I feel so embarrassed right now, but I obey the rules.  "Too late Dream."  I hear a Lord laugh.  They all stand to come take a look at me.  I'm trying to hide myself in Lord Fallacy as much as possible.  Lord Dream is staring at the healed mark.  "That is definitely not from a few days ago."  He says.  "How long have you been a vampire?"  A lord asks.  "Over a month."  I answer softly.  Lord Fallacy is pulling my clothes back together.  I feel like crying the embarrassment too much for me, as I blush hard.   "Fallacy, no wonder you like him, he is just a little rainbow."  I hear.  I turn into a bat too embarrassed.  I fly to my room.  I go to my room shuting the door behind me.   Tears are streaming down my face as I slide down my door.  I sob quietly knowing they'll hear me.  I am hugging myself feeling like such a fool, such an idiot.  'Am I just a trophy, for him to show off?' I think feeling my soul hurting.  "Why... Did I want... Him to love me?"  I ask myself quietly.  "He does not actually care."  I cry.   I'm trying to sob quietly, but I can't.  I sob into my arms before calming down.  I stand and go over to my window looking out it.  Tears are still falling from my eyes.  My room is neat and clean, there is no sign of blood anywhere.  My tears soon stop falling.  "I am... Nothing... But a... Trophy..."  I say loudly to myself.  I feel so alone again.  I don't want to feel love.   'Damn it... Why did I fall in love with him?'  I think feeling my soul hurt even worse.  There is a knock at the door but I do not speak and do not move.   My tears have started up again.  My door opens as my tears slip down my cheeks in silence.   'I want him to feel the same... But he never will, will he?'  I think.  "Lord Encre, why did you fly off?"  I hear.  It's a lord.  "Please leave me be."  I say weakly.  "If that is your wish."  They say closing the door.  I feel myself starting to feel light headed.  I go over to my bed and sit down.  I open my shirt to see my chest to see the bandages there.  'He... Planned it...'  I think.  "He planned it all..."  I say angrily.   My tears aren't sad anymore, they are angry and upset.  "Is Lord Encre alright?"  I hear.  "He does that when embarrassed, he usually does it a lot sooner... It must have been the order I gave him."   I hear Lord Fallacy say.   I cover my mouth to stop my crying.   'Lord Fallacy, would not actually care about me.  I am nothing but a living blood bank for him.'  I think.  There is another knock at my door.  I turn into a bat and hide myself in the rafters.  The door opens "Encre... Are you in here?"  I hear Lord Dreams voice ask.  I don't move or say anything.  "He was in there a second ago."  I hear.  "He is probably having a temper tantrum, though surprisingly he is extremely quiet."  I hear Lord Fallacy say.  My heart is being crushed at him saying that.   The door closes as my tears fall from my eyes.  I am laying on the rafter, not wanting to move.  Tears just leak onto the rafters.  The lights turn on.  "Encre... I know you are in here."  I hear.  "Do not tell me you are playing hide and seek at a time like this."  I hear Lord Fallacy say.  'He does not care... There's not even a drop of worry in his voice, but... Why would he care about me.'  I think before hugging my small bat self.   I see a bat in front of me.  I just fly to the next rafter.  I see a hole to outside suddenly.  I go through it, since I am extremely small.  I fly to the nearby forest and hide myself there.   I hear the squeaking of two bats.   I am sitting under a tree crying as the rain is pouring down.  I am sobbing hard to the point I am shaking.  "Encre... Did something happen in the castle?"   I hear.  I see Eterna there.  "Eterna... Can... You kill me?"  I ask.   "Why would you want me to do that?  Is Lord Fallacy not looking for you?"  She asks.  "I am nothing... But a trophy to him.  Only reason why he would be looking for me is so he still has a trophy."  I sob.  Eterna holds me close.  "Come on let me take you inside, and we can get this solved."  She says.  "I am not going back!"  I say as she lifts me up.   "Why not?  He loves you Encre!"  Eterna yells at me.  "no... no he does not."  I say softly.  She looks down at me shocked.  "He does not love me... The way I love him."  I say as tears slip from my eyes.  "He kisses you and hugs you... How is that not love?"  She says. I pull away from her.  "Only time he kisses me is when he has blood lust, or when he's trying to 'calm me down' as he always says it.  And him hugging me is only him showing that I belong to him, like some toy!"  I cry looking at her.  She is looking at me worriedly.  "Why would he deeply care about some mortal born, like me?"  I say before laughing softly.  "I have just wasted my emotions, just hoping he would love me... But I am only a trophy to him."  I say looking up at her while tears roll down my cheeks.  "Is... That how you felt, the whole time?"  I hear Lord Fallacy say from behind.  I cry harder.  Eterna just turns into a bat and leaves.   I feel him place a hand on my shoulder.  I move away from him.  "Yes..."  I say hugging myself.  I still feel so empty even though he is near me.  "Encre... Please look at me."  Lord Fallacy says.    I feel him grab me and kiss me.  I pull away from him.  "You are doing it again!!! Stop it!!!"  I say trying to get away from him.  "Please... Listen to me..."  Lord Fallacy says holding me close to him, but I still try to get away.   "No!!! I do not want to hear any more lies!!!"  I shout trying to get away still.  Lord Fallacy pulls me closer into him holding my arms down.  I stop struggling against him and just cry.   His grip gets looser.  I still feel so alone even though he is right there.  "I do love you... I just do not know how to show it."   He says.  My soul starts hurting so bad.   He wipes away my tears, before holding me in his arms.  I am silent feeling horrible.  I turn in his arms.  I hold onto him tightly.    I want to believe him.  I want to believe him so badly. "Encre... I love you."  He says picking me up.  "I love you too."  I say as he grows wings and starts to fly off.

"  I say as he grows wings and starts to fly off

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