Chapter 37 - Another New World

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Mettaton as the person calls them self is getting me more suitable clothes for this world.  He wants me to stay by their side the whole time just incase someone tries to attack me.   He pulls out something extremely revealing and throws it into the NO pile.  He then pulls out a shirt. "This is the only thing I have that covers most of the top section of the body."  He says.  "It will show your spine, but that is it."   He adds.  I nod.  I start to take off my shirts, Gazelle forced me to wear.  Mettaton is not looking making me feel less self conscious. I am wearing the shirt, Mettaton is letting me borrow.  "It will take some... Getting used to."  I say blushing.   Mettaton looks at me and blushes.  "Your blush is a rainbow..." Mettaton says.  "That is adorable!!!"  He yells hugging me.  I blush harder and hug them back.  I really needed a hug right now.   "Are you okay?" Mettaton asks me.  "I am... Just... So scared."  I say feeling tears in my eyes.  Mettaton hugs me tightly rubbing my back. "It's alright, I won't let anyone hurt you."  Mettaton says.  I hug him gently.  "Thank you."  I say gently.  There is a knock at the door.  "Come in Papyrus!" Mettaton shouts.  I hold onto him in fear.  The door opens.  "Hey, Mettaton and who is that?"   I hear.  "He's from a different world."   Mettaton says.  "He looks a lot like Sans."  The Papyrus says.  They look like Papyrus just more cute.  "You remind me of my friend Papyrus, just a lot less scary and more cute."  I say smiling with a blush across my cheeks.  "Oh god..."  The Papyrus says covering his eyes.  "He's so cute..."  The Papyrus says.  I blush hard hearing that.  He closes the door and I let go of Mettaton slowly.  

Time skip...

I am wearing a new outfit that covers most of me except for part of my spine, including black fingerless gloves.  I am wearing mostly black except for the rainbow belt holding my pants up. Mettaton and me are walking around together and I am holding onto him scared of the lust filled eyes everywhere.  I have only seen so much lust when I was eighteen, when I gave my virginity to Fallacy.  Mettaton is keeping an eye around then looks down at me due to me being extremely short compared to other monsters.  "Encre... Are you alright?"  He asks.  I shake my head no.  He kneels down to my height and looks me in the eyes.  "You will be fine.  You're with me remember?"  Mettaton says.  'You're... You are.'  I translate in my mind.  I nod.  "Plus, none of these sluts are going to hurt you."   Mettaton laughs.  'Sluts... Tramps.'  I translate.   I nod and smile blushing slightly.  I then giggle slightly.  "Oh god... You are adorable."  Mettaton laughs blushing.  He then stands and we continue to walk.

Time skip... 

A few days later...

Mettaton is on stage talking and there are hateful and sexual comments being said. There are low views at the moment.   Mettaton is starting to cry.  I pull all my courage together and run onto the stage ignoring the small audience.  I hug Mettaton.  "Do not cry, Mettaton."  I say looking up at him.  He kneels down and I kiss his cheek.   "You are an amazing person, it does not matter what others think."  I say smiling happily.  "Ooo~"  I hear someone on the phone say. "What is your name cutie?"  I hear.  I blush hearing that before looking around.  Mettaton then says.  "You just need to speak."  He laughs.  "Oh..."  I say blushing due to embarrassment.  "Say your name is rainbow."  Mettaton whispers to me.  I nod.   "M-My name... Is... R-Rainbow."  I stutter feeling embarrassed.  "How old are you Rainbow!!!" Someone shouts from the crowd. "I... am... fifteen."  I lie blushing hard.  "That is adorable!!!"  I hear a girl yell. "Mettaton ratings have gone up!"  I hear.  "Really?"  Mettaton says in amazement.  "Hey, Rainbow... I should come and pick you up tonight, and give you a lesson."  I hear someone on the phone say.  "No, thank you.  Thank you for the offer, though, it was very kind of you."  I say smiling.  Mettaton face palms.  "He meant take you home for sex."  He says.  "What!!!"  I say my blush getting darker.   "Well... Y-You people are-are con-confusing!"  I stutter embarrassed.   I cover my face trying to hide my blush.  "Don't cover your face!!! You are so cute~"   I hear.  I lower my hands holding my arms to my chest.  Mettaton is laughing and asks "Rainbow... Do you care to ask a few questions?"  "Um... Sure..."  I say as she passes me the cards.  I read a few of the questions.  "Wh-What's the K-King's full name?"  I ask.  'Not Fallacy...'  I think.  There are phones ringing.  "Let's answer the phone... First Caller!!!"  Mettaton says happily.  "Hello!!! Rainbow you colourful cutie~ The answer is Asgore Dreemurr."  I hear.  "That is correct!!!" Mettaton says.  I nod smiling. I am starting to feel really hot all of a sudden.   "I'll be right back!"  I say passing the cards to Mettaton.  I run off the stage and bump into someone.  I fall backwards and land on my butt.  I am holding my head due to hitting it against the person in front of me.   "Rainbow?"  I hear.  I open my eyes to see someone standing up.  "Uh yeah?"  I say blushing.  There is a hand extended down to me.  I place my hand in theirs and I am helped up.   "Oh jeez... Papyrus was right when he said you looked like me."  They say.  "Oh and you must be Sans, he talks to me and Mettaton about you."   I say blushing.  "Yeah... My name is Sans..."  He says blushing purple. "Woah..."  I say looking at his one eye.  He is blushing dark purple.  "Oh sorry... I hope I did not freak you out... Your one eye just turned into a heart and it was just so pretty!"  I giggle.  "Oh jeez... Papyrus was not joking when we said you were innocent."  He laughs.  "Hey! I am not that innocent!"  I say puffing out my cheeks.   Suddenly that heat I felt on stage appears again.   "I... Uh... Gotta go..."  I say blushing and run off.  I go into the washroom and no one is in there.  I lock the door.  "Why am I so hot?"  I mutter.  I look in the mirror across from me and I have a Purple Heart in my eye.  "No... No... But... Fallacy is not touching me."  I say feeling the heat getting worse.  I lift up my shirt to see the bites Fallacy gave me a few days before my birthday.  I let my fingers trail along them and the heat fades slightly as I touch my ribs gently.  I cover my mouth feel pleasure from doing that.   I continue to play with my ribs feeling better.   I am imagining Fallacy in front of me and that he is touching me all over.   I gasp feeling my own hand go to my pants.   I then feel tears in my eyes as I continue.  I am imagining Fallacy touching my member and slowly stroking it.   I am biting down on my fingers trying to not moan.  I unbelt my pants and undo them to make it easier.  I start to stroke my member gently then remember the gloves. I remove them quickly before dropping them to the ground.  I start to stroke my member again and bite down into my hand to stay quiet.   There is a knock at the door.  "Rainbow... Are you alright?"  I hear.  I bite back a moan.  "Yeah... I just... Feel a bit sick... Is all."   I say as I continue to stroke my member, before going faster.  I bite harder into my hand drawing blood.   I can hear Fallacy whisper "Take it easy, Encre."   I smile hearing that.  I am so close to the edge as my legs are spread as I am leaning into the wall for support.  "Rainbow, is there something wrong?"  I hear.  "No..."  I say before covering my mouth muting my moans as I am so close.  "Rainbow?"  I hear before cumming.   My back arches and my head leans into the door as my hips jerk forwards.   I try to quiet my heavy breathing.  The heat disappears and I feel relieved.  I then look down to see I had cum all over the floor in front of me.  I look around to see no one in the washroom.  "Rainbow?"  I hear again.  "I am fine... I just do not feel well right now."  I say quickly. "Rainbow let me in."  I hear.  "Give me a few moments."  I say panicking. I then grab the towel and dry the floor with it.  I wash my hands before fixing my pants and belt.  I then use magic to unlock the door.  I quickly fix my shirt as the doors open.  I look around for my gloves.  They are beside the door.  I use magic to float them back over.  I then see Sans looking at me and surprisingly there is a worried look on his face.   "Your hand is bleeding..." He says looking at my hand.  I look down at my hand and blush hard.  I turn and wash my hand.  He comes over to me and grabs my hand. "Why are you bleeding?" He asks pinning me to the sink. "I... I... I just... Accidentally... C-Cut my-myself is-is all." I stutter telling the half truth.  "Rainbow... I see no where else with blood on it."  He says.  "Why do you want to know how I cut myself so bad?  It is just a small cut and it is not even bleeding that much."  I protest loudly.  Then then feel something hit my crouch.  I gasp and Sans is blushing.   I had switched my genders to make the pants easier to wear and this is what I get for it.   

In The Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now