Chapter 23 - Eldric

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Decades later...

I am at Paint's grave smiling and talking to him about my day till the sun is rising.  I sigh before putting my hood back up knowing it is time to go.  I start to walk down the path I take weekly and it isn't long till I see mortals following it.  "Are you lost?"  I ask worriedly.  I see a few of the rogue children among them.  "Lord Encre!!!"  One says before running over to me.  I pick them up placing them on my hip.  "We are all lost... We all lost our ways back to our villages."  A mortal says.  I pull my hood down and the other rogue child run over to me.  "I will guide you children back."  I say smiling.  "I remember you! My mother showed me a picture of someone who looks like you, but... You look exactly like the photo."   A mortal says.  "He'd be long dead by now." Another kid says.  I then smile down at the rogue children.  "Follow this path back the way you were going... Then wait at the fork in the path, I will be waiting for you there."  I say gently. "Okay Lord Encre!!!"  The kids shout running down the path. "Now you three come with me."  I say gently as I set down the other rogue child.  "See you soon, Lord Encre!"  The kid shouts.  "Stay to the path!"  I shout worriedly.  "I will!!!"  The child shouts.  "Who are you?"  One of the Mortal children ask.  "I am Lord Encre, partner of Lord Leocade and have been for a really long time."  I giggle walking into the forest.  "Hey, wait up!!!" They shout.  I pause and wait for them to catch up to me.  "I presume you are all from the Royal castle's village?"  I ask smirking.  "How did you know?"  One of them guess.  "I take a lot of walks... Since it is healthy."  I say smiling gently.  "We are quite far off from the castle... Were you all with family?"  I ask.  

"We followed Eterna out here... She disappeared and we haven't been able to find her since! It's been two days."  The small girl says sadly.  "Oh you all must be so hungry."  I say worriedly.  "We were eating berries, and we killed and cooked a deer."  The older brother says.  "I am glad you know those type of survival skills... This is the forbidden forest we are entering."  I state as it gets dark suddenly.  I feel them all grab onto my robe as there is screeching.  "Lord Encre!!! And... Mortal... Children?" I hear.  Eterna is in front of me.   "Eterna... These children followed you into the forest..."  I scold her.  "Oh dear... You three must have been scared." Eterna says.  Me and Eterna walk the children to the outskirts of their village, taking quite a few hours. I pull up my hood before getting near the outskirts of the village.  I pause and the children look up at me confused.  "This place has changed a lot..."  I mutter.  "Yeah... It has."  Eterna says looking back at me.  I smell blood suddenly and I cover over my nose.  The kids are covering theirs also.  "What is that smell?" The little girl shouts. I look towards Eterna and nod. I see Rogues attacking and a run towards them. I get between a rogue and a child.  The rogues back up recognizing me instantly.  Most rogues know I am very protective over children, mortal and vampire alike.  "Lord Encre... Forgive me..." The rogue says getting small seeing how big I am.  I relax how I was and go back to how I am normally.  "You are forgiven."  I say calmly.  I then turn to the crying child.  I pick them up and carry them into the village further.  "My baby!!!"  I hear.  I see a woman looking at me worriedly. "This child is yours?"  I ask.  She nods.  My eyes narrow at them.  "Are you a vampire?"  I ask.  She looks startled.  "We both are... But we are mortal born... My boyfriend bit me and got me pregnant..."  She says crying.  I give her, her child.  "Is his name... Fallacy?"  I ask curiously.  She looks surprised again.  I laugh.  "I'll take that as a yes... You were bitten by the king of vampires... He is a master of many things... Be careful of him my dear... Now please stay inside as much as possible."  I state calmly.  She looks scared.  "He told me that he was going to pick me up shortly... I cannot defy him..."  She says a scared look in her eyes.  I get angry but smile and say "I shall wait with you then."  She looks surprised.  

Time skip...

Rogues are attacking the village and I am just standing there humming.  The woman is terrified holding her child close to her chest.  I see a bat up on a roof watching us.  I know exactly who it is. "Fallacy... Get your ass down here now."  I snap.  The bat jumps and a bunch of rogue children run over to me.  "Lord Encre!!! Lord Leocade, knows you are here!!!  And thank you for sending Eterna to walk us home!!!" A child says.  "It is nothing, children, now please hurry off and find your families." I say calmly with a warm smile on my face.  "Goodbye, Lord Encre!!!" They shout all running off.  Fallacy transforms in front of me.  "Encre... It's been almost a century..."  He says nervously.  "Save it... Take... I do not know... Number 6 maybe 4 and get away from me."  I state passing him.  "Encre... Why are you still acting like this... You cheated on me first!"  He shouts.  

A guard attacks me with a silver steak and I grab it from their hands and stab it through their eye shoving through their brain while saying "One... Why would it matter to you, I am only a child anyways, plus you left for a year, without telling me and an 'imposter' almost killed me, all while it was YOUR father that actually gave a shit about me.  Oh and that whole 'How are you still alive?' thing before you tried to convince me that it was all an imposter... I might be a klutz but I am not stupid!!!"  The guard's body hits the ground as I cross my arms. Fallacy looks surprised. "Fathers?"  I hear.  I see my child, Eldric.  "No this is your... half brother Eldric." I state calmly.  Eldric looks a lot like me, but more of a dark grey.  "Brother?" Fallacy says appalled.  The woman looks confused. Eldric bows respectfully then stands tall.  "Lord Encre!!!" I hear a bunch of the people shout.  I see a group of males.  Eldric gets in between just in case.  I am now dealing with Fallacy.  I kick him in the shin hard.  He sweat drops.  "I should have left you, the minute I figured it all out."  I state harshly. Eldric knows the whole story.  "Ugh!!! I cannot believe you left me for my father!!!"  He shouts.  "Hey!!! Maybe you shouldn't have broken my spine, because other than that all the other abuse you did I still stayed!!! I cannot believe I stayed with your ignorant ass!!!" I shout back.  "My sweet... Please calm yourself, you are raising your voice in front of the children." I hear Leocade say.  I see only Eldric and Fallacy there.  The woman is confused as all heck.  Eldric then says "Ma'am... My Father was with your boyfriend before ever meeting my other father, which is your boyfriend's father as well."  He is blunt about it.  She nods looking at me as I stand properly and calmly.  Leocade has an arm wrapped around my waist suddenly.  Fallacy looks pissed.  "Fallacy... Be loyal to at least this one..."  I state harshly.  Leocade sighs letting me go.  I then grow my wings and fly high before flying towards the children and Eterna.  I set down beside them my wings disappearing.  The children look amazed.  "Wait for a few more hours before going inside there.  There are vampires and rogues in the village including the two leaders, right now."  I state. "What are you?"  The little girl asks.  "I am a vampire, I watch over all small children... But if you three are smart... Do not try to find me."  I state harshly.  Eterna is keeping her eyes focused at the ground due to my bright green eyes.  I then enter the forest not planning to turn around for a long while.

In The Distance - Fallacy x Encre (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now