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A/N: when you're an Ashton girl but you have like 56 million pictures of Michael on your phone...

Apparently Claire wasn't the only one that shipped Michael and I.

There were accounts dedicated to "Mikki" on Twitter.

Michael seemed completely oblivious of this, but one person for sure was not.


I lightly graze Michael's shoulder.

Ashton glares at us.

I talk to Michael.

Ashton glares at us.

I stand next to Michael.

Ashton glares at us.

I was sort of hoping he wasn't gong to be there with us, but the boys had a show that night and Ashton just happened to be in the band...

Either way we basically messed around the venue all day, awaiting the start of the show.

Blake and I were going to stay backstage during the concert since the boys didn't want fans to mob us.

Soon enough the gates were opening and fans were pouring in.

We we already backstage, but I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit overwhelmed.

"How's your birthday been going?"

I recognized the voice immediately. I turned around to see Ashton leaning against the door frame.

He'd be on stage in five minutes, yet he was here talking to me.

"What the hell do you want?"

"What? A guy can't wish his ex a happy birthday?"

"Not if it was a messy break up, which it was by the way, thanks to you,"

"This again?"

"Yes, this again! Every time I see you I'm reminded of it!"

"Forgive and forget, babe,"

"Ugh, I'm going to go find Michael,"

His face dropped as I pushed past him.

I smirked, flipping my hair over my shoulder for more effect (lame I know).

I did actually find Michael quickly. But I found him kissing my best friend.

"Wow," I whispered.

I walked away silently. Luke and Calum were probably fucking for all I know.

I ran through the hallways, not really having a destination.

It must've been about 5 minutes before I took a horribly wrong turn.

The cool air hit me instantly, but the lights about the stage quickly drowned the cool air out.

I had accidentally walked on stage. The boys were just ending their song End Up Here, when they noticed the fans pointing to something.



"Nikki, um hey?"

Michael smiled—happy, yet confused.

"Um, sorry I was just walking down the halls and took a wrong turn,"

I spun around to walk off the stage, when I voice boomed through the microphone.

"Actually, Nikki stay! We'll sing happy birthday to you!"

I tensed up and turned back around.

"What a great idea, Ashton, let's do this."

Calum and Ashton began to play a beat and Michael quickly joined in.

Luke kept talking for a second, telling the crowd to sing along.

I stood awkwardly to the far right of the stage as they sang.

Luke, Calum, and Michael all gave me short hugs after the song, and Ashton blew me a kiss and winked.

"Fuck you, Ashton Irwin,"

I mouthed the words to him as I waked off the stage.

His smirk only grew.

― UNKNOWN NUMBER! (IRWIN)Where stories live. Discover now