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With panic on their faces, Sam begin to run around like a maniac not knowing what to do.

Corey: Sam could you please be still and calm down, you're not helping the situation.

Sam: uh..  What..  Uh...  OH MY GOD she's unconscious AGAIN... (Mix of sarcastic and nervous on her tone)

While Sam panics around, Corey gently lift Al up and take her upstairs to Sam's room.

Corey gently ask Sam for a favor to watch over Al, (since Al's sleeping on Sam's bedroom). Expecting that Al might wake up tomorrow morning, the two siblings get ready to go to sleep.


It's early in the morning and Corey got out of his room first to prepare their breakfast. Few minutes later, Sam got up and see Al still sound asleep on the her room.

As the two of them prepare their breakfast, Al suddenly appears on the living room.

Corey: oh hi..  Good your awake, breakfast?.

Sam: oh hey come on (Sam move towards her and let her sit on the table).

Al: uh...  What happened??

Sam: hmm...  Good thing, you just woke up.. (Sarcastically)

Al: what??

Corey: ugh...  Wait, your memory's lost again?..

Sam: ohh..  Wait, do you know me?  Him?..  OH MY GAHD prepare yourself Corey she's gonna hit you again...  Quick hide your ugly face (with sarcastic on her tone)

Al: ahahaha...  Of course I remember you two, but the thing is that. I can't remember what happen yesterday. All that I remember was, I'm talking to you two on the couch and that's it..

Sam: wait...  Seriously??... Does that happen a lot?

Al: uhh..  No.. I don't know..

Corey: huh..  Weird.

After they eat, Corey ask Sam to take Al upstairs again, cause their parents will arrive any minute now.

As the doorbell rings, Corey quickly go to the front door to open it up as their parents have arrive.

Corey: oh hey mom, dad...  Sooo how's the trip??...  (Stalling the two).

Mrs. Sawyer: uh..  Corey, it's a meeting, not a trip.

Corey: yeah of course..  Of course..  I know that (with nervous on his voice)

As their parents unpack their things and get comfortable, Corey slightly startle a word.

Corey: uh mom?..

Mrs. Sawyer: yeah?..  What is it honey?

Corey: uhm..  Well you see..  There's this thing...

Mrs. Sawyer: what is it Cor?

Corey: please don't get mad at us, but we try to find help, but I guess it's really hard to explain, so we took this girl I found, at home and she has a memory lost and we need your help, cause we really don't know what to do.. (In a fast manner of talking)

Mrs. Sawyer: say what??..

Corey: please don't tell dad and please don't get mad at us??..

Mrs. Sawyer: woah woah woah... Wait, who's this girl and so, where is this girl now?

Corey: well...  She's at Sam's bedroom.

While his father is at the master's bedroom, his mom and him went upstairs to Sam's bedroom. As the door opens, Mrs. Sawyer is in shock. It isn't a weird shock, but recognition shock. It's like Mrs. Sawyer seems to know Al's face.

Mrs. Sawyer: what..  I..  It's you..

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