Jealous Marco

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Hey guys, it's Tiger here! Welcome to my first ever Starco book, I will try my best to write this book properly so that you can understand the grammar and the concept of it. Enjoy! 

edit: wtf is that author name name past me? tiger??? i still love svtfoe tho and im rewatching it rn!

Star Butterfly sat on the couch in the Diaz's living room. She'd been waiting for Marco to come back from karate for about an hour now and was ready to die of boredom. Suddenly the door slammed open to reveal a very angry, very sweaty Marco. His fists were clenched and his face was beet red. 

"Marco!" Star wrapped her arms around him but he pushed her away, "Are you okay?" she asked, confused at his sudden reaction.

Marco who had been looking at the ground, looked up to glare at her. "I can't believe you," He said icily.


"YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT HOW THIS WOULD MAKE ME FEEL." Marco screeched, his voice cracking a bit at the end, tears forming in his eyes.

"Marco! I don't even know what you're talking about!" Star cried out distressed at her best friend's sudden anger.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Marco replied stone faced, followed by him stomping off to his room.

Star blinked twice then fell back onto the couch. "What just happened?" she asked aloud.

Mr. and Mrs. Diaz ran into the living room to find a slightly in-shock Star collapsed on the couch. The couple exchanged a worried look and then sat down on each side of Star. 

"Star, what happened?" Mrs. Diaz asked.

"Well," Star took a deep breath. "Marco came back from karate and started yelling about me not caring about his feelings and stomped off to his room." she sighed, "I don't even know what I did!" Star's eyes began to water.

"Aww don't cry Star!" Mr. Diaz patted her shoulder comfortingly. "I'm sure Marco will get over it soon." Mr. Diaz's words couldn't help but bring a hopeful but slightly worried smile on Star's lips.

*The Next Morning*

Star had barely slept last night and it showed in the bags under her eyes. She was feeling guilty, worried, and stressed about what had happened with Marco. This had caused her to have a "wonderful" sleep. She barely made it to the bus only to find Marco was sitting next to Jackie instead of their usual spot. Star held back tears and slumped into an empty seat.

Later that day Star decided in her own orderly fashion and confronted Jackie in the hallway. "Hey Jackie!" Star waved with forced enthusiasm. "So uh, is there any chance you know why Marco's ignoring me?"

Jackie looked at her in disbelief. "Do you seriously not know?"

"No," Star sighed exasperated. "I really don't. Please tell me Jackie I can't stand my best friend not talking to me!"

Jackie's gaze softened as she heard the desperateness in Star's voice. "So you know how you and Oskar started dating? Well-"

"Wait a second," Star interrupted. "Oskar and I aren't dating!"

Jackie blinked. "Wait you're not?" Star shook her head and Jackie smiled, "Then what are waiting for? Go tell Marco!"

Star smiled widely then began to run down the hallway. But as she was running a thought occurred to her. So simply, she used her wand and poof'ed herself back in front of Jackie. "Why would me dating Oskar upset Marco?"

Jackie chuckled. "Cause he has a huge crush on you. what else could drive humans angry when they find out the person they like is dating someone else other than them?"

"What?!" Star choked on her words as she felt heat rise to her face. "No he doesn't, he likes you Jackie!" Star stuttered then covered her mouth realizing she'd revealed one of Marco's secrets.

Jackie laughed at Star's naive response. "Feelings change Star, now go talk to Marco." Jackie winked then skated away.

As hard as Star tried she couldn't find Marco for the rest of the school day. He wasn't even in the classes they had together. Jana said that she'd spotted him the nurse's office with his head in his hands and assumed he had a bad stomach. 

Finally the bell rang to release the students home. Star managed to sit next to Marco but he avoided her gaze, and her presence.

"Marco.. please, we need to talk." Star pleaded.

Marco looked at her. his glare melting into tears. "I've been a jerk haven't I?"

"Oh..." Star attempted to gain some sort of closure but he shrugged her off.

"No, Star I don't deserve your sympathy. I've been a horrible friend." Marco sighed.

Star bit her lip. "Marco who told you I was dating Oskar?"


Star gawked. "And you believed him?"

Marco's eyes flared with hope. "Are you not?"

"Nope!" Star replied in a as-a-matter-of-factly tone. they both stared at each other for a good few seconds, the boy trying to process the emotions going on in his brain. Relief, happiness, and many more. Star saw this as an opportunity to extend her arms as a way of asking her best friend to hug out their emotions. This time Marco graciously accepted Star's hug.

Not being able to talk or interact with each other was very much a nightmare brought to life and it was excruciating for them. Even if it was only for a day. 

"This is our stop." Marco smiled as they exited the bus.

When they were inside the house Star took a deep breath and asked the question that had been on her mind for hours. "Hey Marco, why does the idea of me dating Oskar upset you so much?"

Marco, who had been making nachos, turned to face her. He was biting his lip and his eyes were glued to the floor. 

Aw he's so cute! Star thought. Wait! Where did that come from? Star snapped out of her stupor to find Marco scrambling up the stairs. She almost followed him but then spotted a note sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Because I have a giant crush on you. Hope this won't ruin our friendship. -Marco." Star read in her mind. She blinked, thought for a moment, then scribbled something on the note and went upstairs.

Later that night Marco snuck down the steps to find a new writing on the note he'd written. The writing was in Star's sloppy handwriting and had doodles of spiders and bunnies all over the edges.

"I'm sorry Marco but I don't feel the same way you do." Marco read, feeling his heart sink down to his stomach and prayed that this wouldn't ruin anything they've built up while Star was on Earth. "You're great but I feel different...

'CAUSE I LOVE YOU WAY MORE!" After reading the last line of Star's note, Marco started laughing. hysterical relief flooding his whole body.

From hearing the sound of Marco's laughter, Star slid down the stairway railing and walked over to him. For a while the two of them just stared at each other with genuine smiles on their faces. 

Lost in the happy moment, Star pressed a small, light kiss on Marco's lips. "Who needs Oskar when I've got the best turd to have ever lived?"

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Byie!


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