Corn Maze

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Word count: 2154

3rd Person POV

Star stumbled around in the darkness, taking careful steps as to not trip over anything. Where on earth did Jackie go? She thought as she blindly walked forward. The light of the moon being the only thing guiding her, she was totally lost. She came here with Jackie and a few more friends but they ran off with a couple guys they met. "Why on earth did I come out here?" She whispered to herself as she bumped into a wall of corn. Suddenly a hand landed on her shoulder and she let out a terrified squeak as she fell to the ground. "Whoa! Hey I'm sorry!" The same hand from before outstretched towards her. It appeared as though it was connected to a red hoodie. She hesitantly took the hand and used to to get back on her feet "Hey I'm really sorry, I'm just looking for a worker to help me out of here." The obviously male voice spoke. "I sorta got lost." He snickered. "Anyway. I'm Marco. Are you lost too?"

Star smiled. "It's ok! I'm Star! Yeah I sorta got lost too. My friends ditched me for a group of boys they met." She said as she dusted the dirt off her pants He chuckled "Yeah I was with my two friends but I was sort of a third wheel for them. I guess they snuck off to make out or something and forgot I was still in here." Star giggled "Well looks like we're stuck here together until the morning. I've been searching for an exit for an hour and my phone has no reception." She smiled at him in the dark as she found a dry spot of ground to sit on.

He smirked and sat down next to her. "Guess we have nothing to do but talk while we wait for a rescue party." He made sure not to sit too close to her, as he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. "So what's your life story?" He questioned, leaning back onto the wall of corn, she laughed and scootched closer, wanting to see him better. He was cute. He had warm brown eyes, adorably messy hair, a cute mole under his right eye and a really cute smile.

"There's not too much to tell. I was born in Echo Creek, raised in Echo Creek, and I'm probably going to spend the rest of my life in Echo Creek. I'm pretty ordinary." She shrugged and turned towards him again. "So what about you?" She asked "Same. I'm just boring old Marco Diaz. Born and raised in Echo Creek just like you." He looked at her in the dark, his eyes adjusting to the lack of light out here. She was really pretty. She had long blonde hair that would probably reach her knees if it wasn't in a ponytail, beautiful blue eyes, two adorable heart shaped birthmarks on her cheeks, and a smile that left him speechless. "Hey wait, do you go to Echo Creek College?" He questioned, a small smirk on his face at the idea that he had never noticed such a beautiful girl at school.

Her smile widened. "Yeah I do!" She chuckled at his obvious astonishment of him not noticing her around campus. "Small world! Can't believe I haven't met you before!" He sheepishly smiled at her, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Yeah…" He sighed. The two of them talked for hours, getting to know each other, telling funny stories and jokes, passing the time. Star decided she really liked him. Around what felt like 3 am Star began slowly inching closer to him. "Sooooooo… you come here often?" She asked, twirling a piece of her hair around her finger as she looked up at him. Her obvious flirting flew right over his head. "Nope I don't. I usually only come once a year. It's sort of a tradition to come here with my friends." He smiled at her.

She frowned, sliding even closer, her hand touching his. "Well I should come more often if I have chances to meet boys like you." She tried a little harder, her finger hooking under his. Once again her flirting fell on deaf ears. "Nah I'm pretty sure me and my friends are the only guys from our school who come." Star groaned inwardly. "Did it hurt?" She giggled as she attempted the cheesy line in the book.

Marco cocked his head to the side. "Did what hurt?" Star fistpumped to herself. "When you fell from Heaven." She slid even closer, her hand on top of his as she looked up at him, his face exploded with heat. "W-W-Wait… A-are you flirting with me?" He stuttered out as he attempted to hide his blushing cheeks. Star giggled. "Have been for the past 10 minutes but thanks for noticing." She smirked at him as she once again twirled a lock of hair around her finger. "Is it working?"
Marco swallowed his nervousness and nodded quickly, his eyes shut tight in embarrassment.

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