A Salad, A Sandwich, and A Stuffy Situation.

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10:30...11:00...11:30... 12:00

I was constantly watching the clock, waiting for 12:30. My heart beating faster as the minute hand drew closer to the 6, indicating the 30th minute of the hour. I was already standing against a wall at the corner, where we are to meet once more. My eyes are constantly searching for the face that makes my heart skip a beat, or those massive curls bouncing atop that head. I started to grow hungry and my stomach began a low grumble. I looked down at my watch, it read 12: 31. As I lifted my head up I felt my stomach do flips as I saw him. He was wearing a white button-up with the top three buttons undone, exposing his smooth and toned chest. Black pants snugly fitted his long legs. He also wore a slight smile, simple and soft. His eyes wandered to me and his slight smile turned into a toothy grin. I couldn't hold back the grin spreading on my face and flashed him my teeth. He moved a little faster, but not too fast, as he made his way towards me.

I stuck my hand out and he firmly grasped it, shaking it up and down as a soft "Hey" escaped his lips. He let go of my hand and rubbed his stomach, expressing his hunger. "C'mon, let's go eat!" he said with a smile.

I nodded and we walked down the street for a place to step inside and satisfy our hunger.

When we came across a place he'd been to before and liked it, we stepped inside and waited to be seated.

"They've got nice salads and bread here." he said nonchalantly. Salads and bread? No wonder he's so skinny.

I guess he could read my expression and he chuckled as he explained, "I'm a vegetarian."

"That's cool. I-I hope you don't mind that i'm not..." I was praying he wouldn't hate me.

"Nah, not at all. We are all free to live different lifestyles. You've chosen yours and I've chosen mine. In fact, I don't even have any friends that are vegetarians."

"Thanks man, I didn't want to ruin our friendship before it even started." I was so relieved.

"Nah, I respect the opinions of others. Besides, I think we'd make great friends." he said with a smile.

I smiled back as the waitress seated us at a table. While I looked through my menu, I had that feeling where you think you're being stared at. I slightly glanced up above the top of my menu and found Brian staring directly at me. As soon as we made eye contact, me lowered his head and a red heat devoured his face. He's blushing! He's actually blushing because I caught him staring at me! I lowered my head and tried to hide the smile I was now wearing. He cleared his throat and looked back up at me, his face still red.

"I have to run to the loo for a second. If she comes back before I get back, order me a water please." He slid his chair back and began to stand. "Okay." I responded and he nodded and walked out of sight. The waitress came back and I ordered a water for both of us. She scurried off to get our waters and I saw Brian coming back, fixing his hair a little on top. He probably didn't know I saw him. He returned and the waitress set our water down, pulling out her pen and pad. Brian ordered a salad and I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich. As soon as she was gone, Brian started staring at me. I pretended not to notice and started looking out the window.

I spotted a record shop and a question popped into my head. "Hey Brian?"

"Y-yeah?" He stuttered.

"After lunch, how 'bout we go over to that record shop and check out what kind of new stuff they've got." I looked away from the window to find him smiling widely at me. "That sounds wonderful!"

As we quickly ate our food, we told a few jokes. I told one as he was sipping his water and ended up with my face dripping wet.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Brian grabbed his napkin and quickly tried to wipe the water he had just spit at me, off my face.

I burst out into a thundering laughter and playfully slapped his arm. "It's okay" I said in between laughs, "I would have done the same to you if I had water in my mouth!"

He finished wiping my face and shirt off and looked into my eyes. I was lost in his eyes as we just stared at each other. It suddenly grew kinda hot and stuffy and we both adverted our eyes away. There was an awkward silence as he sat back at his seat, still not quite making eye contact. We were both red as lobsters and wore goofy smirks.

He stood up to pay, but this time I stopped him. "I got it this time... you can get it next time... if you want, of course." He smiled at me and we both walked up together as I paid.

"Okay. To the record shop!" He announced, as he took off in a sprint down the sidewalk. "Race you there!" He blurted as I took off behind him.

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