It's a date

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Brian had been my boyfriend for exactly a week and we had yet to go on a real date. I was planning on asking him as we were snuggling on the couch. I also had a surprise for him that I picked up before going to class one morning. I was excited to see the look on his face when he opened it.

"Hey, Brimi?" He giggled at the little name I called him. "Yes Roggie?" "Um. Wait here. I'll be right back." I had picked up the prettiest bouquet of flowers I could find and hid them outside this morning. "Where are you going?" He gave me the cutest look of confusion and a slight smile. "Just wait here for me." With that, I got up and stepped out my front door.

I grabbed the flowers and fixed my hair in the mirror that hung on the wall in the hallway. I knocked on my door three times and waited. I stood there for a little while before the door slowly began to open, revealing a very confused Brian staring back at me. I cleared my throat and revealed the bouquet. A smiled played on his lips and he leanded his head against the door frame. "These are for you, my kind sir." He accepted the flowers and inhaled their scent. "Rog, they're lovely but... what is this all about?" I grasped his hand lightly and rubbed the top with my thumb. "Brian. I was wondering, if you haven't any plans tonight, if you would be willing to accept my invitation and go out to dinner with me?" He pulled me into my flat and closed the door, along with the space between us by embracing me in a warm hug. I snuggled my head against his smooth chest and he ran his hands to my back, tracing soft circles with his fingers. He tilted his head down to my ear and spoke softly against the shell. "Only a fool would turn down such a sweetheart as yourself." I lifted my head up and stroked his cheek with the back of my hand. The feeling of his skin on my skin sends my stomach to my heart and my heart leaping from my chest. I ran my hand across his cheek to the back of his neck and pulled his face to mine. His hands ran down my back, resting on my backside as we shared a long kiss that had us walking towards the couch and falling in a heap of laughter atop the cushions. I couldn't wait for tonight.

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