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This chapter is written in Brian's point-of-view.

I wonder what his place looks like. hopefully not too messy.

We left from my flat to go to his. He insisted that I bring my guitar with me so I did. He decided to leave his clothes at my place so the next time he stays, he'll already have clothes. It turns out that he doesn't even live far from me and in no time, we were walking up to a building that held his flat. He led me into the building and up one flight of stairs, he continued down a hallway until we stood at a door. He unlocked the door and guided me inside.

It was about the same size as mine, maybe a little bit bigger. All the doors to the rooms could be seen from the living room. The walls were a faded yellow color and trimmed with white. A large area rug laid over wooden floors. One couch sat against a wall in front of a television set that rolled on wheels. Most of the room was being occupied by a his drums. They sat in a corner beside an amp. He also had an old beat up black electric guitar leaned against a wall, collecting dust. "Who's guitar?" I asked him as I walked over to inspect it. "S'mine, but I fancy the drums better." I picked it up to find it was out of tune. I didn't bother tuning it because quite frankly, it was a piece of crap. I glanced over to Rog who was now sitting behind his kit. He twirled the sticks a little, showing off. He began lightly tapping on them, messing around before really beating on them. He's not bad himself. Actually, I've never heard someone that good! He began with a catchy little tune and I picked up on the pattern. I had plugged in and softly joined in. He grinned at me, encouraging me to turn it up a bit. There was just something about it that made me shiver with excitement and amazement. Magic. The combonation of his drums and my guitar had me feeling high with excitement. It just felt... magical, as cheesy as that sounds.

We ended it rather loudly, making a few of his neighbors yell. We burst into an uncontrollable laughter and made our way to the couch, still giggling. We calmed down and found ourselves sitting in silence. I spoke up, saving us from the silence. "Nice place ya got here." he chuckled, "Eh, It's comfortable." I smiled and sat my hand on his knee. "I've never heard someone play the way you do." He opened his mouth to speak, but I spoke again. "I'm serious. Most drummers I've seen just bang on them, trying to sound as loud as possible. You are different. You actually put a lot of heart into it, making it sound perfect. You're amazing. Magic." "Thank you." he accepted my compliment, rather than argue. He put his hand on the one I placed on his knee and squeezed it. "But the magic's only there when you're there."

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