Where am I?

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"Rog... Roggie... Roger?" "mphmm, no... go away. " it's too early to be awake. "You gotta get up." wait a minute... I live alone... why is someone talking... "Wha-wait!" I shot up in 'bed' and rubbed sleep out of my eyes, only I wasn't in my bed. In fact, I wasn't even in my house. At first I was scared and confused, until warm arms wrapped around me followed by warm lips pressed against my cheek. Brian. Last night suddenly washed over my brain. I'm at Brian's house after falling asleep in his arms. It all seemed but a dream now. Brian and I were still on the couch, but in different positions now. Sometime last night he had rolled both of us over to where we were both on our sides, his back was against the couch and my back was against his front. How did I not fall off anytime last night or this morning? With a yawn, I stretched my arms out and popped my back. "Good morning Bri... h-how did-" "You were getting a little heavy last night and I didn't want to leave you here by yourself, so I just changed our position. You know, you're a pretty heavy sleeper. Not once did you even so much as move when I rolled you over last night." I smiled and kissed his cheek before standing up. "Well, I slept good last night. Probably better than I have in a long time." He stood up as well and started running his fingers through his own hair. "It's 8:30 and I'm hungry. Do you like eggs?" his bedhead is so cute. I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and answered him. "I do like eggs. Do you mind if I grabbed a quick shower before we eat?" He pulled me closer to him and spoke softly in my ear. "I see no harm in being clean." I pulled his face to mine for a quick kiss. He smiled into the kiss before I pulled away to ask one more question. "Since I don't have any clothes, is it too much to ask to borrow some until I get back to my flat?" He suddenly grabbed my sides and started tickling me. A thundering laughter escaped from him as I howled and tried prying away from him. I managed to grab hold of his arms long enough to speak. "And what is this for?" "You come in here, drink my drinks, eat my popcorn, watch my movies, and sleep on my couch and don't expect me to do anything?" He spoke with a smile in his voice as smiled at him and pushed on his chest. "Come with me and I'll get you some clothes." I giggled as he grabbed my hand and showed me the bathroom, grabbing some clean clothes for me on the way. "Don't be too long." I smiled and placed a thank you kiss on his cheek. "I'll try not to." He shut the door for me and I began undressing, getting into the shower.

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