Do you like Jimi?

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It didn't take me long to catch up to the lanky man, and shortly I was already past him. I made it to the doors before he did, but he didn't follow far behind. Soon, a handsome and out of breath man stood grasping my arm as he tried to catch his breath. I chuckled at the sight before me, "With legs as long as yours, I'd expect you to win!" I taunted with a smile. "Hey! I didn't expect you to have the speed of an Olympic runner!" He let go of my arm and playfully hit it. I opened the door and we both stepped inside. his eyes immediately lit up as he ran to his favorite section. "Oh man! looklooklook! Roger they have 'Electric Ladyland'! Do you like Jimi?" The excitement of his face was adorable, like a three year old at a toystore. "Yeah, of course! And he's an amazing guitarist!" I copied his excitement as I replied. "I don't have enough to pay for this but when I do, you better believe this is going to be mine." I loved the look of giddiness radiating from his face. We spent a little more time looking through and decided not to buy anything. As I grabbed for the door, our hands brushed against each other's as he had the same intention. His skin was so soft and it was hard to resist touching it once more. I didn't say anything about it and neither did he. We pushed out the door and onto the sidewalk, our faces slightly red, and just starting walking to no place in particular. After a minute or two of just wandering down the sidewalk, he spoke softly to me. "Hey, wanna come over to my place for a bit?"  My face lit up as I beamed at him. "I'd love to."  I couldn't help but notice the spark in his eyes as I spoke to him. He  patted my shoulder and began to guide me to his place. I was excited to see what his place looked like, maybe it will give me more of an idea of what he likes to do. It didn't take too long and before I knew it, we were walking up to a building with three floors. He guided me up some stairs and down a hallway before we reached a door that would lead me into his tiny flat. 

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