09 // Paralyzed

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(You'll get it once you start reading.)

Enjoy. (:



''W-What are you doing here?'' I finally managed to stumble out after staring at him in shock for a few minutes. Him, of course, just standing there smirking at me. ''Your grandmother already told you, didn't she? I'm invited for dinner.'' My mouth opened to say something, but my Gigi interrupted me. ''Harry!'' She exclaimed behind me. ''Haven, don't be rude. Let him in!''

I bit my lip and took a step aside, given him access into my house.

My grandmother and harry briefly hugged each other. ''I'm so glad you could make it!'' Gigi spoke. ''I wouldn't miss it.'' Harry spoke, grinning in a way I had never seen him do. The only thing close to a smile I had seen was his awful little smirk. His grin could make him look like a whole new person. A good person even.

''Haven! Don't just stand there. Show Harry around!'' Gigi ordered, patting my arm before going back into the kitchen, to finish dinner, I figured. I stayed quiet, looking at the boy who had not only invaded my dreams and imagination, but now also my last bit of reality. My last bit of sanity, safety.

''You don't want me here, do you?'' Harry asked, making my eyes flicker back to his face. He looked concerned, Sincere. But maybe he was just a great actor, because ever face expression he made looked real, but I doubt any of them are. ''What do you think.'' I whispered, not as a question. Because we both knew he was right, I didn't want him here.

''Your grandmother told me she had a beautiful granddaughter, but I had no idea it was you.'' He spoke, his eyes never leaving me. ''Where did you two meet?'' I asked, still as softly as before.

''The bookshop she owns. She asked me to take something down to the basement for her, because her granddaughter wouldn't want to go down there.''

''You know why I wouldn't go down there, do you?'' I asked, directly after he had finished speaking. My words sounded more confident, filled with hatred. But still quiet and careful. His eyebrows knit together, while the corners of his mouth curled up the slightest bit.

''I have no clue what you are talking about.''

I stayed silent, just looking at the boy. He let out a deep chuckle, and shook his head. ''Weren't you supposed to show me around? Or have I seen your house already too?'' He spoke, trying to make me sound like the crazy one. Which lately, I started doubting if he was wrong. ''Who knows.'' I whispered, before instantly starting to talk again. ''What do you want to see? The house is very small, so there's not much to show.''

''Show me your room.'' It wasn't a question, but not quite like a demand either. I thought about the consequences , which could be either a lot, or none. Harry was obviously on my nan's good side, and if she notices we don't get a long she'd be extremely upset. She wanted me to show him around, he would be the kind of person to tell her I didn't. So I would be showing the boy of my nightmares, the place he had entered my dreams.

I nodded quietly, turning around and starting to walk up the steps. I could hear him following me, quietly, like a ghost. But I could feel his presence behind me. At some point he was so close I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, his fingers brushing my arm. ''Which room is it?'' He spoke, softly, deeply.

''Left, the left one.'' I whispered, hoping he'd pass me and walk in front of me. And he did, brushing my arm once again before he walked towards the door I had pointed out to him. I took a few steps after him, but stopped once he had entered my room. While waiting patiently for him to turn of the lights, I thought about the fact that I was now forever scarred, scarred by the dark. Or by what was in it. But he never did, the room remained dark.

''Harry?'' I whispered, taking another step towards the room. I could see into the room, but I didn't see a boy, just darkness. ''Harry?'' I asked again, hoping for reply this time, but no luck. Slowly, cautiously, I entered the dark space. I felt my hands shake as I wandered my hand across the wall, trying to find my way to the light switch. Which was stupidly installed halfway down the room. My knee hit an object, which made me wince for a second, but it didn't stop me from searching for my destination. Suddenly a deep sigh came from behind me, making me turn around in an instant.

Two pitch black, but still glowing eyes were boring into mine. I couldn't think. Move. Paralyzed. Exactly how he wanted me. Closer. They came closer. Step for step, soundless. Everything went in slow motion. No body, just eyes. Finding its way into my soul. I couldn't breathe. I even stopped shaking. Closer. Closer. Close enough to touch.

The lights went on. Harry was standing right in front of me, grinning. But my state hadn't changed, I couldn't move, think, breathe. ''You're so easy to scare.'' He chuckled and let himself fall on my bed.

''Nice room.'' He stated, placing his hands behind his head and looking around. Finally I remembered how to function again, and I gasped for breath. My body slipped against the wall, close to the light switch in case the lights would fall out again. My shaking hands had returned, my eyes were burning from not daring to blink and take my eyes of the body lying on my bed.

''You look like you've seen a ghost.'' He spoke, his eyes looking up and down my body. Slowly he sat up, never looking away from me. While I never looked away from him. ''This place isn't haunted is it?'' He joked.

''You tell me.'' I whispered, for only my ears to hear. His eyebrows furrowed for a split second, but he didn't mention my remark. Slowly he raise to his feet, casually strolling around my room. Finally I felt my muscles relax a little, my hands slowly but surely stopped shaking.

''What's this?'' Harry spoke, opening my little music box that was placed on the corner of my dresser. ''Please be careful.''

His head turned around at my words, but his hands stayed on the delicate item. He looked at it again when he spoke. ''It means a lot to you, huh?'' His fingertips brushed the small ballet dancer. ''My mum gave it to me when I was little.'' I softly spoke, not liking the subject. Even though I could only see his back, I saw him nod a little before twisting the handle on the music box. The music started, the ballet dancer in the pretty pink dress started spinning around. I pressed my eyes shut, I hadn't listened to it in a year. I never thought about the reason, but I guess it hurt too much.

When I opened my eyes, he was right in front of me. His hand reached forward, ''Dance with me..'' He spoke, almost in a begging kind of way.

''You want to dance to a music box?'' I asked, slightly confused. A small smile formed upon his lips as he took my hand in his, slowly walking closer to me. I didn't object.

He placed my hand on his shoulder, because it was clear I wasn't going to do it myself. Right after I felt his hand being placed on the small of my back. Soft, fairy tale like music filled the room. The atmosphere changed, and right here and now, everything seemed fine. As I started into the eyes of my worst nightmare, I realized he might as well be my most sweetest dream.

Slowly we started spinning, following his lead with every step. We weren't even in rhythm , but in that moment it didn't matter. Everything was perfect, our dance was perfect. My fear had faded away, his smile had made it's was into my soul.

And before I knew it noticed his face getting closer. His lips getting pinker. His bright green eyes slowly closer. The freckles on his face becoming clearer than they had ever been before my eyes looked at his lips one last time. Plump and pink, so close to mine. My eyelids closed, his breath touched my face for the very first time.

In a flash I saw the eyes, the man I feared. But right now, this man had disappeared. The only thing happening was him and me, our lips seconds from touching.


A/N: God I loved writing this chapter. It might have been taken me a long time, but I really really loved every word I put down. From the awkward, to the dark demon stuff to the end. The eeeeennddd, I'm feeling things like.

Anyway, lol. Pleaseeee leave comments, I love love love reading your comments. I read every single one of them, good or bad. So please comment! And vote, of course.

I love you all, thank you so much for all the support. I could have never guessed that so many people would have loved Demon. I'm finally good at something. thank you for everything<3


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