16 // Helpless

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(Read the Authers note at the end of the chapter please? :))



It took me thirty-seven minutes to get to where I am now. In the waiting room of the hospital, with Haven sobbing against my shoulder.

Two minutes before Haven had fully understood what had happened, another one to get into the car. Twenty-four minutes to get to the hospital, and five of them I had to pull over to help Haven with her panic attack. And then ten heartbreaking minutes waiting in the waiting room. I could see that she was holding her tears in. Her hands were shaking, tapping against her leg. When I pulled her against me, she broke down. And that's how we got here. The doctor still hadn't showed up to tell us what was going on.

I never understood why they made waiting rooms look like this. Of course, I understand that when someone important to you is laying in the hospital you don't want to sit between smiley faces. But the plain white walls, dead flowers and magazines from two years back doesn't really help either.

''Harry?'' Someone spoke. I looked up from Haven and gasped. ''Oh my god.'' Haven looked up too, frantically looking around the room. ''What did you see?'' She asked, her eyes red and puffy from crying. ''No- Nothing. I'll be right back.''

''Where are you going?'' She asked, as I let go of her. She wrapped her arms around her body as if she was missing something. ''I'm going to get you some water..'' She nodded, and I turned around and walked away.

''What are you doing here? Do you know how much trouble you can get into?'' I spoke, once we were in a deserted hallway, while pulling the boy into a hug. ''No, I have permission to be here.'' He spoke, hugging me back. ''I missed you Harry..'' He spoke, pulling back. ''I missed you too, Louis. Why are you here? How's Lottie?''

''She's good, and I-'' He sighed. ''I'm here for you.''

''Why? What happened?''

''He, he's scared innocent people will get hurt, so I'm here to protect them.'' He spoke, looking down. ''He thinks I'm going to hurt them?'' Louis nodded. ''You know that I don't want to hurt anybody, Louis.''

''I do, and he does too.''

''Then why is someone sent to earth to protect people from me? That has never happened before with other demons...'' I asked, looking around if there was anyone coming.

''You're different, Harry.'' He spoke, making me look back at him again. We stood there for a few seconds, just staring at each other before I spoke again. ''I need to go get some water, and get back to Haven. We'll talk when Liam gets here.''

I turned around and made my way to the little area where they have coffee and water. (a/n: that's really the best I could do to describe it but you get it riiight?)

When I stepped in the waiting room once again, Haven was still there. Both legs pulled up against her chest with her arms wrapped around them. Curled up in a little ball with my coat over her small body. ''Haven?'' I softly called, making her raise her head. I sat down next to her and her the water, which she took from me. After she took a few small sips so put it down on the table next to her. ''I don't understand why they won't just tell us what's going on, they are operation something, they must know what's wrong. They can't just do a surge-'' She spoke, but someone cut her off. ''Haven, god Haven.''

Liam arrived, and Haven instantly ran into his arms. Tears rolling down her face once again. My coat had slipped of her back while she ran towards the boy. It was laying on the floor like it had been there for a while, abandoned. When I picked it up, I could still feel her warmth. But her presence was gone, and that hurt more than I expected it too.

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