08 // Answers

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May 4th, 2012.

''Today's the day.'' Louis spoke, grinning hugely. I nodded, nervously. ''I'm excited.'' I spoke, even though I knew I didn't look like it.

''You look like you're about to give birth.'' He spoke, next to me. ''It feels like I am...'' I frowned before continuing, ''How do you know how woman look like while they're giving birth?'' I asked, looking at the shorter, but elder boy. He chuckled. ''What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.'' He spoke, before turning around and filling his glass of water.

''You watched Woman give birth in Vegas?'' The images flooded my mind. He chuckled.

''You're brain isn't doing its job, is it?'' He gave me the glass, watching me taking a big gulp of the cold liquid. ''It's not.'' I replied, putting the glass down before rubbing my hands on my face. ''I've just been having this feeling something awful is going to happen today.''

Louis sighed softly, obviously not wanting me to hear.

''You've said that a billion times already. You're just nervous.'' I took my hand through my hair before answering. ''You're probably right.'' I agreed. ''Plus, the worst thing that can happen is that Bo sees what an idiot you are and doesn't want to marry you anymore.''

''Oh my god..'' I spoke, gasping. ''I am indeed an idiot!'' I exclaimed, messing around with Louis. He laughed at my once again silly self and opened the door of my room.

''Get your ass to your wedding, idiot.'' I grinned at my best friend, and he knew he had made all my worries go away. Like he always could.

Minutes later, I was stood at the end of the isle. Seconds feeling like hours as I waited for my beautiful bride to show herself to me. Louis was close next to me, as my best man. Occasionally flashing me a reassuring smile, helping me pass the minutes. My eyes scanned the tiny church, packed with not only humans but also angels. We had decided to keep the wedding small, not because it was a choice. But we neither knew many people, and inviting people we barely knew seemed silly to us.

I think the angels were more excited that I was to get married on earth, than I was. Angels can't be on earth, it's an important rule. That was until I fell in love with a human.

Taking secret trips to see my lover, while knowing well I could be sent to a very different place than Heaven for breaking the rules. But in the moment, I really didn't care less. I know now, that it was extremely stupid. Being sent to hell because of a crush? I would've beaten myself up over it for eternity, if I would even reach close to that. Me? In hell? I would have no chance of surviving.

But luckily for me, I was granted a chance. They saw how much I really did love this fragile human and they let me be with her. And here I am, waiting nervously until I can confirm my love for her.

The music started playing, and I looked at Louis one more time before my eyes landed on the most stunning bride I had ever seen in my entire life. And as an angel I had lived through many, many weddings. But no matter how beautiful those brides looked, no one could compare to my own.

Next to her was her father, smiling bigger then I have ever seen him do. His white wings matched her long dress perfectly. Yes, wings. Her father was an angel, he died seven years ago. I'm sure you can imagine the emotional state they were both in when I brought them together after all those years. It was a beautiful happening, and I'm glad I was able to bring them back together.

Finally she reached the end of the isle, her dad kissed her cheek before handing her hand over to me. Her eyes sparkled as she looked into mine, her smile made my lips curl up in one too.

'' Dearly beloved...'' The priest started. His voice made the nerves fade away. It's started, in a very short while I'll be married to the love of my life. The feeling that something bad was going to happen hadn't faded away, but staying here in front of my wife, eased the concern.

''We are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church: which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is commended of Saint Paul to be honorable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace...''

Everybody stayed silence, making me softly sigh in relieve. But then something happened, the lights flashed out. The candles betrayed us.

Worried whispers went through the church, as I felt Bo's hands swiftly grab mine. ''Harry..?'' She whispered, worry clearly in her voice.''

I was right, wasn't I? This is the bad thing that I had felt coming. ''Don't worry, everything will be alright.'' I eased her.

''Harry Edward Styles.'' I suddenly heard an unknown voice speak, louder than the other voices present in the church. Which was strange because no microphone was working.

''Horan.'' I heard the elder men spoke, stepping next to me quickly and taking my arm in his hand. Nobody knew the elder men's name, he refused to tell anyone. He was the oldest angel among all of us, our leader might I say.

''Horan?'' I whispered, the name bursting all the alarm bells lose in me. ''Harry?'' Bo spoke, not knowing who Horan was.

This was it, I could feel it. ''Bo, I love you so much.'' I spoke, feeling a tear trickle down my cheek. ''Harry, wha-''

But I never heard her finish, because he took me away. James Horan sent me to hell, and now I'm here. Cold, alone. Seeking revenge on the one who not only took me away from the one I loved, but also made me kill her.



''Harry, are you alright?'' Zayn spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. ''Yeah, I was just... Thinking about something.'' I rubbed my hands on my face, trying to get the memories away. I could feel my eyes burning, realizing why Zayn asked me if I was alright. The memories had affected me so much, my eyes had turned to their black self.

''Do you know what you're going to do with Haven?'' He carefully asked. A smile peaked his way through the endless grimace always present on my face. ''Actually, her grandma invited me to dinner tonight.'' I told him, making his eyebrows knit together in confusion.

''Excuse me?'' He spoke, but I had my mind focused on finding my phone so I could check the time.

4:53 PM. ''I'll explain later, Zayno. I'm late for dinner.''

''Fuck you and your stupid nicknames.'' I heard him speak right before I slammed the door shut.


I made it on time, 5:12 PM to be precise. While waiting patiently after ringing the bell on the front door of the address her grandma had given me.

''Oh, Haven! I forgot to tell you, someone is coming over!'' I heard Gigi exclaim, right after I had rang the bell. ''Who is it?'' Haven asked, her voice closer than the one of her grandma. ''A lovely young boy, hurry up and open the door!'' Gigi spoke.

I could hear her adorable giggle before the door in front of me opened. I saw her lovely smiling face for a few seconds, before it disappeared when she saw me.

''Good evening, Haven.''


A/N: First of all, sorry for the long wait! I had a huge writers block. But I'm back!

Love you all, thank you so much for your patience with me. xxx

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