06 // Changes

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(One of the few chapters I'll do with POV's that aren't Haven or Harry.)


''Look at him!'' The boy exclaimed, turning around and throwing his hands in the air for the effect. The older man sitting next to him sighed, ''I know, I know.'' His deep voice spoke, setting his tea cup aside. ''We have to do something.'' The younger boy spoke, pointing at the images they had been watching. ''It can't end like this.'' He continued, softer than earlier. Just knowing what happened to his friend, pained him. ''We can't do anything, I wish we could.'' The older man spoke, standing up from his seat and laying a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder. ''He doesn't deserve this, he was one of our best.'' He continued, making the boy nod in agreement. ''He was so kind, wouldn't hurt a fly.'' The boy spoke, making the elder man chuckle. It was true, he was a true angel.

''He doesn't deserve this.'' The boy spoke, sitting down the table which was pushed against the wall. ''It's just how it goes.'' The older man spoke, he was used to the routines they had to go through. He absolutely despised them, and wished the sick man would just leave his angels alone. But he never did. Every time, after three years, three girls, there was a new boy chosen. And the boy chosen before that, never came back. Nobody knew what happened to them.

''Louis?'' A soft voice spoke, the boy turned around to where the voice had come from. ''Lottie, are you okay?'' He spoke, concerned for his sisters' wellbeing. She simply nodded and hugged her brother tightly, the hug instantly being returned by a loved brother. ''I'll leave you two alone to chat.'' The older man spoke, still smiling from when Lottie first walked in. Louis nodded, and the man left the room.



My sisters' eyes turned to watch the curly haired boy that was projected on the wall. ''I miss him, Lou.'' She spoke, sighing along. I nodded, sitting down on the soft white couch. ''Yeah, me too.'' She turned around to look at me after I had spoken. Her eyes traveled over my face, watching me carefully. But I didn't show any emotion, I had learned to hide my emotions. It was a difficult task for a guy like me, but I had too. With so many people looking up at me, I couldn't show them how broken I really was on the inside. I had to show them strength, or all would break down and crash. People trusted me, they believed in me. I couldn't let them down. Harry and I, we were like the most important angels around. And now that Harry was gone, all eyes were on me. ''You don't have to be strong in front of me. I know you miss him, we all do.'' Lottie spoke, sitting down next to me. ''It's hard.'' I softly murmured, she raised her eyebrows at my words. It was obvious she didn't understand my statement, so I decided to explain. ''To be all alone.'' I spoke, sighing deeply. I hadn't ever admitted to anyone it was hard on me. Of course they knew I miss him, everyone misses Harry. But I never showed them what him leaving had really done to me. ''You're not alone.'' Lottie softly spoke, doubt clear in her voice, as if she didn't know if it was the right answer to my words.

My head hung low as I heard her breathing come closer, finally she was so close to me her body warmth hit me hard. But I loved it, I loved hugging my little sister. I tugged her closer as her arms were wrapped around my torso, kissing the top of her head as a thank you. ''Someday it'll get easier.'' She spoke, saying the words I'd been dying to hear. But even when someone so close to me spoke them, I still doubted it. Living without Harry was, indescribable. I wasn't used to him not being here, we grew up together. I guess he wasn't the only one sent to hell.



''Please.'' I begged, trying to get further away from the two men staring at me. A tear trickled down my face as I was no longer capable of holding them back. I wanted to act strong, but became impossible after all I had been through. And now here I was, with the boy I once admired, and the monster who's been making my life a living hell for the past week. My thoughts travelled to Liam for a split second, he must be so worried. I didn't know how long I'd been gone, but he knows I don't like to be alone. And even though I was with Zayn, he would come search for me. With no success, may I add.

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