Dear Friends. (Dance moms and ICONic Boyz)

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I was talking to Josh when i goty a text, From my friends in New Jersey, Oh how i wish i could see them again, I walked up to my room, and i took out my Journal. Every time i write an entry i put it in an envelope and mail them to my friends, They're all in a box, numbered i to 150, this is the 150th letter and my last day on earth. Mom and Dad were going to watch Josh's hockey game so i had some time...

Dear Friends,

I'm writing this letter because....This is my last day on earth, It's been exactly 1 month since Tori commited suicide and it's been exactly 2 weeks today since Paige commited suicide, I need to be with them, Tori and Paige were my life, My best friends The people i could go to when i needed to talk

Paige was my sister, just barely 13 and she took her life, because of Bullies, My parents never listened, They just told her, "Give it time, it will die down" Did it? No! It took my own sister to suicide...I miss her so much.

Tori was and is my best friend, she would have been 14 on Monday. She took her life because of Bullies also. Her Parents never listened either, they told her she just wanted attention, She would come over to my house crying because her parents made her feel like she was nothing. Miss you Tor, see you in Heaven.

I Brooke Hyland, at 15 years old, I get bullied at school, no one notices, My dance teacher makes me feel like a complete nobody and makes me feel like i will never amount to anything. I started cutting, but no one noticed that either. The Words that i've been called my whole life replay in my head. "Ugly" "Useless"UnTalented" "Loser" "Slut" "Whore" Etc. Etc. Sorry,  i have to do this. Paige and Tori, See you In heaven Tonight. Bye.

Sincerely Brooke. 

After i was done writing the letter i could feel tears fall i took the pills and fell asleep, The last thing i know is dreaming about Vinny, and Mikey, and i finally being re-united after 2 years. Bye world.

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