Fun is an Understatement

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     Me and Ade sat there quietly starring at the ceiling. She hummed to herself while starring at her growing fingernails, i sighed while sitting up, "Ade," she looked up at me, "Hmm?," i smiled, "We should play a game," she narrowed her confusion, "A game???," I nodded and stood, "Let's play hide and seek with the boys," she smiled, "Boys against girls," I nodded.
     We walked out into the hall and knocked on their  door, after a second they Chris opened the door with Jeff peering over his shoulder at us, me and Ade looked at each other and smiled, before she quickly tapped Chris on the shoulder before running off to hide, "You're it," I smiled and turned to them and their confused faces I smiled and starting running, "Hide and seek, Boys vs Girls!," i yelled to them before hiding somewhere.

Jeffs P.O.V

    Chris turned around smiling, "I guess we are it," I smiled, "I guess so," I walked into the hall and advanced down the hall and listened quietly, this was going to be a challenge due to the fact that there were almost 100 rooms on each floor.
      After walking and searching each room quietly i was about to give up before I heard a slight giggle, noticing it was Ade, I walked into the room quietly, only to be met with a pillow to the face. She laughed as she tried to escape but Chris quickly caught her as she tried to run, I laughed at how awkward he was when he put her down, he chuckled nervously, "Uh hhu found you," she giggled as she shrugged, "Well i tried, but I'm just a giggly bitch by nature," We all laughed then continued our way to finding Mara. Mara was exceptionally quiet, She was probably holding her breath, we probably pasted her at least ten times. As we advanced down the halls more then once, we were starting to get worried, Ade was getting anxious, she was getting a bad feeling. When we turned the corner to the hall to our rooms, there she stood. She wasn't facing us she had her back tuned to us. We advanced to her slowly, Ade was starting to breath heavily, I bit my lip before I speak, "Mara.." I said, barely a whisper, but surprisingly she still heard, given that she started to turn slowly, when she faced us her eyes were closed, her fists clenched, Ade tried walking to her but jumped back when she opened her eyes, her eyes were black, soulless, Ade started sobbing quietly, "," she croaked, Chris didn't know what to do, he stood shocked, I balled my hands into tight fists, "They did this to me...," they looked at me, "What do you mean?," Ade said in a quiet whisper, I walked to Mara, "They did this to me, they took my mind," Chris looked down and shook his head and rubbed Ades back to calm her. In a split second Maras body started twitching as a screech was heard, We turned to be faced with a glowing mist slowly advancing to us, Ade quickly, grew angry and screamed in its direction, "Stay away from her! Our so help me God!," Once the word God was released into the air, the mist retreated and disappeared with a screech.
   We turned back to Mara who's mind was blank again, but she wasn't twitching anymore, I grabbed her hand and led her into a room, the others followed, Ade spoke, "No more separating, we are staying in the same room," we all nodded as I sat Mara on a bed and held her hands, her hands were cold, Tears started spilling from my eyes. This is what she endured when they took me from her, she probably took it worse. I then got an idea, "Guys, when they took me, she got me back by talking to me, by telling me memories from the past," Chris and Ade came to her side, Chris spoke first,  "Mara remember when you and Ade were the only ones that were actually into Macbeth when I would read it to the class?" Her hands clenched slightly, I spoke up quickly, "Remember when the whole class went out to eat after a performance and all you put on your pizza was Pineapples?" A slight curl came to her lips, Chris spoke again, "Remember when Ade tripped on her bag on the way to talk to me and you rolled on the floor laughing at her?" Ade looked slightly offened but smiled, Ade then stood and yelled, "MARA!, FLOOF THE HAIR FOR POWER!" With that Maras head started darting in different directions as a screech escaped her mouth, Chris and Ade jumped back as i covered my ears, after a second she fell limp against the bed.
   Ade and Chris came to her side agian, Ade shook her shoulder, "Mara?," she stirred slightly, "What Ade?" She said in a sleepy voice, I smiled as I sat her up and hugged her, "Thank God," she looked confused but shrugged, "Do I even want to know?" Ade smiled "Let's just say that I had to Make a Markiplier Reference," Chris and I looked confused, "Who?" Mara and Ade looked offended, Mara spoke quietly,  "We'll show you some day, but I'm tired," she laid down quickly and snuggled into the blanket. She didn't open her eyes but she spoke, "Jeff...lay down with me...they can share the other bed," I smiled because I knew what she was doing, I.glanced at the others and there blushing faces, I laid under the cover with her, my breath hitched slightly as she laid her head on my chest and fell asleep quickly.

Maras P.O.V

      I woke up In Jeff's arms, it wasn't light out yet, I woke to Ades familiar Whimpering, I turned slowly "Chris you awake?" i whispered, He spoke softly, "Yes...what do I do?" He asked genuinely concerned, I smiled to myself, "Hold her," he was confused, "What?" I sighed, "Hug her, pull her close to you and hold her," he reluctantly followed my directions, soon her whimpering quieted, I fell back asleep.

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