One plus One=Hell On Earth

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     I woke up with a massive headache, I turned to look around, Jeff was looking through his bag a little ways away, Ade and Chris still slept, but a lot closer then I remember them being, but I shrugged it off and woke them up, Ade curled up in a ball refusing immediately, Chris stretched and put his hand on her back, begging her to get up, she sighed heavily but obliged, I smiled at them before walking to Jeff, "Hey, good Morning! Or is it the afternoon?" He turned quickly his face immediately lighting up, "Oh hey, yeah it's like early afternoon I think, it's kind of hard tell anymore," I smiled, "Right?, but at least we can say we are timeless now!," he chuckled and glanced to Ade and Chris who were still.sitting away from us talking, I wasn't paying attention until he snaked his arms around my waist, I giggled softly, "Well someones in a good mood," he chuckled before kissing my head then.returning to what he was looking for, a blush crept onto my cheeks as I walked back to the other two and helped them pack up, after about thirty minutes of packing and not wanting to.move because of our aching feet, we pressed on.
     Ade walked with Chris today, they talked amongst themselves about God knows what, me and Jeff walked side by side, he stole glances at me plenty of times, and i smiled softly to myself.

(Time skip)

I feel it again I feel the eyes again, they are here and they are watching us, Ade noticed my discomfort, "Mara are you okay?" I glanced around, "They're here...," she made a confused face, "What do you mean they? Like more they? " I nodded, "There is more then one, I can feel it," I said my head starting to hurt, Jeff giving me worried looks. All of a sudden Chris stops and stares forward, "Shit, not again," he grabs onto Ade that wasn't paying attention and stops her from walking, he wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her close to him, Jeff does the same to me, In front of us there were two of them, the things from earlier, it looked to be a male and a female. They both stared at us and then looked at each other and ran in opposite directions, Ade thought quickly, "Maybe we should follow them!," All three of us looked at her like she done lost her mind completely, she shrugged not caring what we think and took off after the male, "Mara follow the girl! " and disappeared from sight all of a sudden, then I realized that Chris had gone after her and left me and Jeff to follow the female. Jeff scratched his head and grabbed my hand, my face turning slightly red at the touch. We followed the tracks for a Very long time. It was quiet while walking.  Little did we know that it was getting gradually darker. His hand gripped tighter on mine as we made it to some kind of shack, It was quiet, then all of a sudden My body became heavy, my eyes droopy, i looked inside the Shack and found a bed, I laid down quickly and held my head as i curled up in a ball, waiting for the pain to stop, I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me before I completely lose consciousness.

Authors Notes: Hehehehehe.what will happen i wonder

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