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"Remember me now, time cannot erase. I can hear your whispers in my mind. I've become what you cannot embrace. Our memory will be my lullaby." - Sing me to sleep, Alan Walker


Shikamaru walked with a hard expression until he was in front of the interrogation quarters. He blew out the last of the smoke in his lungs as he threw the cigarette away in a garbage can. He silently walked into the building and walked through its twists and turns until he found the room that kept the man that attacked Konoha while he was gone.

"Shikamaru." Shimon said surprised as he turned from the windows that looked into the room to see Shikamaru, making the rest of his unit turn around to face Shikamaru.

"What are you doing here?" Shimon asked surprised.

"I'm here to talk to the prisoner." Shikamaru said with a stern voice.

"But-" Shimon said wanting to interject, but Shikamaru interrupted him.

"Just let me in." Shikamaru said slight anger in his voice.

Shimon stared at him wide eyed before he went to open the door.

"Close the door behind me then leave." Shikamaru said narrowing his eyes at him as he nod.

Shikamaru walked into the room with the prisoner, a sickly smirk on his face as he stood face to face with the man.

"Hi my name is Shikamaru, why don't we talk a bit?" Shikamaru said a shadow tendril rising from the floor.

Shimon gulped slightly as he closed the door. The sharp shadow tendril the last thing they saw before the door shut closed.

"Let's go." Shimon said to his unit who was just about to peek through the window.


Ino hummed a song softly as she walked back to the flower shop. She and Lee has been spending some time with Tenten. Ino was in a good mood coming back from Tenten, she couldn't wait for the twins to be born. They're going to be so cute. Only 19 weeks to go.

Ino's face however saddened, that meant that in 18 weeks Hinata will be giving birth and she's still missing plus with all the stress that she's under now she'll probably go into labor early. Giving them about 16 weeks to find her. Ino just prayed that they'll find her quickly and that Sakura was with her to keep her and the baby safe.

However her mood was solemn after she checked in with shikamaru to see how he was doing. Ino could see that he was heartbroken and it made her sad to see her friend and teammate sad.

It was starting to get late as the sun started to set. Ino walked past Mirai and a boy maybe a year older than her. Mirai was talking away freely while the boy sweat dropped from all her talking. Ino giggled as she noticed that Mirai was too distracted to notice her. Ino squealed in her head, they'd make a cute couple one day...

"Ino." A female voice called making Ino turn around.

"Oh Samui, Omoi. I didn't know you were in town, what brings you two here? Hey, where's Karui?" Ino said with a smile, but her smile quickly turned confused.

"That's none of your business." Omoi replied rudely making Samui glare at him which made him scoff and look away.

"Excuse him, we just want to know where we can Chouji." Samui said respectively to a taken aback Ino.

"Uhm okay. He's probably at the barbecue place or at his house." Ino said with a frown, something was horribly wrong.

"What happened, why do you two look so grim?" Ino asked.

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