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"Like sand through the hourglass. It's slipping away right through my hands. I may have lost my chance." - Youth, Madeline Yuno
It was too cold for crickets to chirp outside. The clouds parted slightly, giving way for the sun. The sun peeked over the horizon shining its glorious light over the pure white snow that laid over the village and forest like a blanket.

Even though it stopped snowing, everything was still white. Five pairs of footsteps embedded themselves in the snow as they walked to the designated meeting point. The great gate of Konoha. One by one they all gathered at the gate.

The first who arrived at the gate was Sai. He stood up straight under his white coat with two red stripes looking out into the forest. Second was Lee, he started doing push-ups, his left hand sinking into the cold snow turning it slightly pink while his right hand rested on his back.

Third was Kiba with Akamaru. Joining in the solemn silence he didn't dare break even if he wanted too. He leaned again the gate with one hand in his pocket for warmth while the other stroked Akamaru. He looked down at the snow in thought.

Fourth to arrive was Ino, also not wanting to break the heavy silence as she stood in the space between Sai and Kiba looking back at the village as they waited for the last of them to arrive.

Last but not least was the arrival of Shikamaru. He had his hands in his pockets and walked towards them with a stern expression that seemed to fit the solemn mood that hung in the air. Kiba pushed himself off the wall while Lee stood up again, rubbing some warmth in his cold pink hand.

"Looks like everyone is here." Shikamaru said, the absence of the rest of the Konoha 12 not going unnoticed.

"Before we all scatter in different directions... Just now that the man with the Rinne Sharingan, Taiga, is not the leader. Someone else is running the show." Shikamaru said informing the remainder of his friends that was there at the gate.

"Who's the leader then?" Ino asked.

"Nobody knows." Shikamaru said with a sigh.

"Let's head out." Shikamaru said.

The group nodded then sprang into their designated directions. Sai with lee, Kiba with Shikamaru and ino alone.

Shikamaru jumped from tree to tree with Kiba and Akamaru following him.

"Where are we going?" Kiba asked as he followed Shikamaru.

"To the land of wind." Shikamaru answered.

They followed the path naruto mapped out for them so they could cross the border without the invisible wall blocking them.

"Why the hell are we going there?" Kiba asked confused.

"It's where we're going to meet Sasuke." Shikamaru answered.

"Tell me if you smell Sasuke, Sakura or Hinata." Shikamaru said while Kiba nodded.

The men jumped through the forest in silence, listening for something to give the hideaway's location away. Searching for a clue for its whereabouts. They'd only arrive at the meeting point in three days.


The land of lightning wasn't like the land of fire. It wasn't covered in a blanket of snow. There was only a biting coldness that hung in the air. Nibbling at any exposed skin.

It was a week since ino left the village for the Cloud village. In all that time she travelled alone, only having the company of clerks she bought food from. It was lonely...

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