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"I've loved you all along. And I miss you. Been far away for far too long. I keep dreaming you'll be with me. And you'll never go" - Far Away, Nickelback
"We're almost there." Kiba said as he jumped from one slick tree branch to another while Sasuke and Shikamaru lagged behind him.

They've been travelling for two days now in the pouring rain. Ever since they left the clouds darkened and the rain poured down, never ceasing. Flashes of lightning lighted the sky every now and then in the afternoon sky. If the clouds didn't darken in front of the sun, they could've seen the slow descent of the sun by now.

It was late in the afternoon before Kiba stopped at a clearing.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked as he and Shikamaru stopped next to Kiba.

"I lost her scent." Kiba said as he sniffed the air, trying to find Sakura's scent again while Shikamaru scowled.

"The rain screws everything up and washes it away." Kiba said irritated as he sniffed the air while walking forward.

"Where are you going?" Shikamaru asked walking after Kiba.

"The scent was heading this way before I lost it." Kiba said as they walked again.

The men walked in silence as they searched the forest. This went on until nightfall. Kiba never found Sakura's scent again.

"Should we camp here?" Kiba asked breaking the silence between the three men as they stopped walking.

The sun has long since disappeared while darkness slowly consumed the earth, making everything look ominous in the dark. The rain still continued to fall on the earth while the clouds blocked the moon. Their only source of light in a dark forest.

"No, we're so close." Shikamaru said with a scowl.

He didn't know if it was a gut feeling telling him she was close or just desperation to find her. Either way, they should've been close by now, shouldn't they?

"How do you know?" Kiba asked looking at him.

However, Shikamaru didn't have an answer to that question because in all honesty, he didn't know. Silence hung in the air as Shikamaru looked down at the grass. They hung low due to the heaviness of the raindrops that still clung to them.

However, all the rain drops fell off the grass as the ground started shaking heavily. The men crouched in order to keep their balance as the ground beneath them shook violently, slightly cracking beneath them.

"What was that?" Shikamaru asked confused as he looked around.

"An earthquake?" Kiba asked, doubt in his voice.

"It's not an earthquake..." Sasuke said softly as he lifted his head towards the starless sky watching his breath fog.

"That was Sakura." Sasuke said louder this time while his eyebrows furrowed together.

Sasuke sighed as he watched the rain come down, falling on his face with a relaxing tempo. However, it still doesn't make him feel at ease. The only thing that can make him at ease again is seeing Sakura safe in Konoha again.


Pink blossoms fluttered through the air, however, something wasn't right. The blossoms were moving in an unnatural and static manner. Looking like a broken tv on reverse. The blossoms were no longer moving from their place of origin to the ground...

No, they were moving from the ground back up to the branches from which they fell from.

Temari sat on the bench with dull eyes as she watched the phenomenon. However, suddenly the blossoms just stopped. Temari's eyes snapped out their daze as she slowly stood up and watched the frozen blossoms with a confused frown.

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