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"We now full well there's just time. So is it wrong to toss this line? If your heart was full of love, could you give it up? 'Cause what about, what about angels? They will come, they will go, make us special." - Not about angels, Birdy

Two years has passed since the war between Konoha and Kabuto. Since the disappearances...

A lot has happened in those two years. Hinata got married to Naruto right after the birth of their strong baby boy. Tenten gave birth to her twins, Aika and Satoru. Well, Satoru was his birth name but Lee renamed him to Metal Lee and everyone just kind of went with it. Satoru was born with Neji's dark brown hair and Tenten's chocolate brown eyes, as well as Tenten's playful side. He was going to get along well with Lee. Tenten could tell, even if he was just two years old.

Aika, on the other hand, had the Hyuga's white eyes while she had Tenten's light brown hair and Neji's serious nature. Tenten struggled to look after the busy twins and run her weapon shop on her own, but luckily for her Lee was always there to help her out and look after her and her kids. Lee took it upon himself to fill Neji's role after he died. But Tenten could never forget Neji, she still visited his grave regularly with her kids and sometimes with Lee and Hinata.

Everyone was happy about the war that's ended but sad about the losses.

After Karui got released from the hospital Sakura told her to stay in the village for a week because she didn't want her travelling just yet so Chouji offered for her to stay with him and she just never moved out or went back to her village. She just simply stayed in leaf with Chouji.

Ino found out she was pregnant a few weeks after the night everyone got drunk. That's why they only got married this year, Ino wanted a perfect, big, white wedding and she didn't want to look fat on her wedding day. Nine months after the drinking game Ino gave birth to a baby boy named Inojin, he looked like Sai but had Ino's blond hair and green eyes. His personality was also more like Sai.

Sasuke and Sakura stayed married after the night everyone got drunk, even though they got married because they were drunk. However, there was indeed a man that did report his jewellery shop robbed so Naruto gave Sasuke a choice, pay for the rings or give it back. So Sasuke begrudgingly paid for the rings much to Sakura's amusement.

Shortly after that Sasuke decided to go on another journey, but this time he allowed Sakura to come with him. No one has seen or heard from them in the past two years and no one knew when they'll come back. Not even Naruto. Kiba met a girl while he and Shino were searching for a wedding present for Hinata.

Her name Tamaki. They spent more time together after Naruto's wedding and eventually started dating, which Shikamaru found conflicting since Kiba love dogs and dislike cats and Tamaki love cats and dislike dogs. But somehow they made it work and was now living together with all Kiba's dogs and all Tamaki's cats.

Nobody knew about Shino's love life, it was a complete mystery to everyone...

As for Shikamaru, he was completely alone. He took on more missions than usual to keep himself busy. However, most of the missions he chose were missions that made him go to Suna. After Naruto recovered from his hangover, Gaara notified them that he'd be taking Temari back to Suna. She's been in a coma for two years now...

As for Shikamaru's genin team, Mirai and Chon were promoted to Chunin on their first try while Akira only got promoted to a Chunin the second try. Chon and Mirai had developed a rivalry towards one another that reminded Shikamaru slightly about Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry. Kurenai found it extremely cute though.

It's been two days that Shikamaru's been doing nothing. Naruto decided to give Shikamaru a break since he had been doing missions back to back. Each one of them challenging missions. Plus Shikamaru also did his office duties as well.

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