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"And whilst I watch in silence, you're starting Forest Fires. You start them just to feel the heat. And whilst I keep my quiet, you're running with the tigers." - Forest fires, Lauren Aquilina
Time ticked by slowly as the two men waited outside of the operating rooms. Naruto started pacing again while Hinata was in an emergency c section. Sasuke was in the operating room am with Sakura to keep her calm and Shikamaru still smoked in the hall waiting for Temari. She was in the operating room so they could fix her collapsed lung and stitch the hole in her stomach and back. She also had a neurologist that was looking at her mind.

Trying to keep her from going into a coma.

The men fell into silence while Shikamaru stared at the door Temari was behind because Naruto's pacing was making even Notre nervous than he already was. However, the silence was soon broken when the light from Hinata's operating room turned off and the doors swung open.

Shikamaru scowled as he quickly put out his cigarette and threw it away in a nearby trash can before Sakura could see him. Naruto stopped pacing and turned to Sakura with an anxious look as she exited. Sakura stepped outside the operating room with a big smile and a bundle of blankets.

"It's a baby boy." Sakura exclaimed excitedly making Naruto's eyes light up as he rushed to her and his baby boy.

Sasuke smiled slightly behind Sakura as well as Shikamaru who still stood at the door.

"You want to hold him?" Sakura asked smiling at Naruto.

"Can I?" Naruto asked looking at her.

"Of course dummy." Sakura laughed handing Naruto his child.

Naruto watched the blond baby boy in his arms with wide eyes as he took him carefully. Being extra gentle and carefully not to drop him. He's never seen a child so small and fragile. But Naruto loved him with all his heart as soon as his eyes saw him.

"How's Hinata?" Naruto asked worryingly as he looked back at Sakura.

"She's doing just fine." Sakura said relieved.

"Can I see her?" Naruto asked.

"She's still under narcosis. Where moving her to the recovery room now, you can go with the nurses and stay at her room if you want to. However Naruto I need to take the baby again, he's still too small, we're going to keep him in an incubator for another week until he's strong enough. We're also going to keep Hinata in the hospital for a few days, just so she can fully recover from this whole ordeal." Sakura said getting serious again leaving Naruto slightly disappointed that he'd have to be separated from his child.

"What's his name?" Sasuke asked Naruto with a small smile.

Naruto frowned and looked down at the baby, thinking of a suitable name.

"Hinata told me in the prison that she liked the name Boruto, but she wanted to run it past you first..." Sakura shrugged, trying to help.

"Boruto... That's perfect." Naruto said softly smiling down at his new baby boy, Boruto.

Sakura smiled, but her smile slowly fell as she sniffed the air.

"Is that smoke I smell?" Sakura asked anger rising inside her.

Shikamaru froze as his body went cold.

"Were you smoking in my hospital Shikamaru?" Sakura asked turning slowly towards Shikamaru.

"No..." Shikamaru said nervously.

"Sakura calm down, you're going to upset Boruto." Naruto said glaring at Sakura while holding his son tightly.

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