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"And I'd give up forever to touch you 'cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don't want to go home right now." - Iris, Goo Goo Dolls

Pure white snow rained down on the Village Hidden in the Leafs, painting it white. Little children played in the snow, making snowmen, snow angels and waging war with snowball fights. Mothers called their children, scolding them for not wearing a warm jacket to protect them from the cold.

It was the image of tranquility.

However in reality a much sinister work was at play...

Three pairs of footprints embedded themselves in the soft snow as they made their way to the Leaf's Hospital.

Shikamaru, Ino and Sasuke stepped into the warm atmosphere of the hospital, leaving the coldness outside. Warmth flooded to their exposed skin, giving it life again.

"I'll see you guys later." Ino said waving at them as she walked to the reception to ask about the prisoner's whereabouts.

"Follow me." Sasuke said as he walked to the room where he left Kiba.

Shikamaru followed Sasuke as he led him through the halls of the hospital. No nurse or doctor stopped them or even noticed them as they were too preoccupied with their work and patients. Sasuke finally stopped at a door and opened it. He walked into the room with Shikamaru making Kiba turn his head slowly to them.

Kiba watched them come in, he would've smirked but he didn't feel like it was the right moment to smirk.

"How are you feeling?" Shikamaru asked as he stood next to Kiba's bed with Sasuke.

"I've been better." Kiba replied.

"You said something about the Rinnegan... What did you mean?" Sasuke said getting to the point.

"There was a guy we encountered on our way to the leaf, he had tanned skin with sickly white hair that covered his eyes when he lowered his head, but when he lifted his head I saw it..." Kiba said in thought.

"What did you see?" Sasuke questioned.

"The Rinne Sharingan." Kiba answered looking Sasuke dead in the eye.

Sasuke's eyes widened in shock as well as Shikamaru's. They didn't expect that... Memories of the war came back, memories of the Rinne Sharingan...

"What?" Shikamaru asked shocked.

"How is that possible?" Sasuke asked confused.

"I don't know, he appeared right after Kabuto did." Kiba said with a sigh.

"Kabuto? You saw Kabuto?" Shikamaru asked his voice growing cold.

"Yes, that's when everything started going wrong." Kiba said scowling at the memory.

"Did you look into the man's eyes?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes." Kiba answered confused.

"He probably used a genjutsu on you." Sasuke replied making Kiba scowled.

"What happened, Kiba?" Shikamaru asked calming himself.

"We were walking back to the Leaf village from the Stone village. We left without a hassle and traveled without any problems, until Kabuto arrived. He wanted Temari out the way but before any fighting could start Taiga appeared~" Kiba said.

"That's the man with the Rinne Sharingan, right?" Shikamaru asked with folded arms.

"Yes, however he wanted Temari alive. In the end the bastards made a deal. Kabuto could kill Temari then Taiga could have her body." Kiba said scowling again.

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