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"Oh so, your wounds they show. I know you have never felt so alone. But hold on, head up, be strong. Oh hold on, hold on until you hear them come." - Angel by the wings, Sia


"Temari is dead." Kiba said solemnly as he lifted his head up to look at Shikamaru.

"What?" Shikamaru asked so softly Kiba hardly heard him, his voice cracking slightly.

"He killed her Shikamaru then sold her body of to some bastard kidnapping people from all the ninja villages." Kiba said in a exhausted angry voice.

"I saw him kill her right in front of me." Kiba said his eyes hardening at the memory while he shuddered slightly.

"How did this happen?" Shikamaru asked forcing his voice to steady, his eyes to focus and his mind to not fall apart.

"Kabuto... Ass hole... Rinnegan..." Kiba said softly as he started losing consciousness and fell to the ground while Sasuke perked up at Rinnegan.

"He even has a foul mouth when he losses consciousness." Ino marveled.

"Wait, Kiba!" Shikamaru exclaimed he needed more information.

He needed to know what happened, he needed to hear she wasn't dead.

"Dammit, the idiot needs to wake up now!" Sasuke said angrily as he walked over to Kiba and smacked his cheek repeatedly.

"Hey! Don't do that, he's injured." Ino exclaimed making Sasuke scoff and stand up.

"Don't just stand there help him." Naruto exclaimed gesturing Ino to do her medical stuff.

"Don't look at me, I'm not Sakura, he needs a hospital." Ino scoffed making Naruto groan.

"Can someone just please take him there then." Naruto said exaggerated as he rubbed his temples.

"I'll take him." Sasuke said as he took Kiba's arm and teleported him to the hospital using his Rinnegan.

"Kiba said something about someone kidnapping people, maybe that person is the man who took Sakura and Hinata." Sai suggested seriously, breaking the silence.

"We'll have to look into that, but first we need to wait for Kiba to wake up. We need more information on what's happening." Naruto said with a scowl.

"Who's going to tell Gaara and Kankurou about Temari?" Naruto asked sadly.

"Not me, last time I gave them bad news I was almost killed." Shikamaru scoffed then walked to the door of the office.

"Fine, I'll do it." Naruto said with a sigh while Shikamaru left the room.

After a while all the Konoha 12 left the room leaving Naruto alone in the room to think things over. However Ino and Lee walked with Tenten because they wanted to know everything about her pregnancy.

Naruto walked over to his chair and sat in it again. He sat in silence in his office for some time before the space before his desk became distorted. Naruto watched the distorted air dancing around until Sasuke appeared in the space that stilled after his appearance.

"What did the doctor say?" Naruto asked.

"He's got multiple bruises and cuts, a few senbon stab wounds to his side and he's got a slow working poison in his blood system." Sasuke answered.

"He got his ass handed to him good." Naruto replied amused which made Sasuke smirk.

"Is the poison lethal?" Naruto asked turning serious again.

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