Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up a little bit earlier than usual, only like fifteen minutes before, but a lot could happen in those minutes. I could be the next America’s Next Top Model (yeah right!) or even better I could win the X Factor. Oh my gosh! That would be so cool! You get my point. But today, 25th September 2012, is a very special day in the Bumble Residents – that’s what we called our house under the influence of a glass, well a bottle of wine. By now you should probably know we like to drink. Today was Cher’s 20th birthday! I know we’re growing up so fact and maturing by the second. We’re become the future adults we were told we would be but we still watch SpongeBob and laugh. Very mature right – not. In simple words, I bought a chocolate chip muffin yesterday from work, acting as the cake in this whole play. I placed a birthday candle on top of it and lit it up. By the way, I had no idea we had birthday candles in the drawer. So I walked slowly upstairs, careful not for the flame to go out. I knocked on her bedroom door but she didn’t respond. Probably, she was still sleeping. I open the door slowly and walked in, I placed her birthday muffin on her bed side table and started to whisper in her ear  ‘’happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to,’’ I stopped and took a deep breath ‘’CHER! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!’’ I shouted.

‘’What the?’’ Cher said with her morning voice forming a fist ready to swing at me.

‘’Happy birthday sweetie!’’ I said as I hugged her in bed

‘’Do you have to wish me a happy birthday at seven in the morning?’’ she said.

‘’I’m sorry but I have to go to work,’’ I said and turned to face the mirror to check my hair, ‘’we’ll go for drinks tonight?’’ I asked.

‘’Yeah sure! Of course!’’ she said as she lifted half of her body up to stand. ‘’There’s this pub, people said is pretty the party scene.’’ she said. She took a bite out of her chocolate chip muffin/cake.

‘’Yeah awesome! I’ll see if Georgina will let me go a bit early.’’ I said as I stole her muffin/cake away from her and took a bite. Delicious. ‘’Got to go! See you later birthday girl!’’ I said as I blew her a cheeky kiss and walked out of her room and out of the house.

I walked in the ‘Coffee House’, ready for work, ready to earn some money, some paper. Tom was there as usual. He was the usual customer. It was thirty minutes past seven and he was already on his feet eating his scrambled eggs and baked beans, and obviously his coffee with no sugars, doctor’s order.

 ‘’Good morning Tom!’’ I said to him as I patted his back.

‘’Good morning love.’’ He said and took a sip of his no sugar coffee.

‘’Hi Georgina,’’ I said to the boss as I walked towards the counter. She was rearranging the croissants on the tray, ‘’Umm...I hope it’s not too much to ask, but can I leave a bit early today?’’ I paused, ‘’It’s my friend’s birthday and we‘re going out’’ I stopped to see her reaction. I don’t want her to think I’m already starting slacking off.

‘’Oh! Sure of course you can!’’ Georgina said and smiled to me, ‘’just tell me when your leaving. Wish your friend a happy birthday for me’’ she said.

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