Chapter Six: Afraid

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Chapter 6: Afraid


I watched Leah's expression slowly change as she listened to whoever was talking over the phone. I looked at her concerned and wondered why she wasn't responding. I saw as her face just blanked out and her eyes blurred over with tears as she kept her vision fixed on one spot. 

"Leah?" I whispered. She dropped her phone and let a tear roll from her cheek. "Leah?" I persisted. She shook her head and sniffled just a bit.

"Can we stop at a restroom please?" she asked, avoiding my calls for her, and not taking her eyes off of the window. I nodded and pulled over at the nearest rest stop.

Leah took one of her bags and rushed into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head against the seat. Girl problems. I still don't understand how girls can bleed each month for like a week and not die. I'm sorry but I don't know how that makes sense. I got out of the car and sat on the hood as I tapped my fingers on the windshield and hummed a random tune. 

Two minutes had passed. I pulled out my phone and began scrolling through my Twitter.

Three minutes. I shrugged to myself and began retweeting some of my fans. I chuckled at some of the innapropriate things they sent me. They were crazy, but my kind of crazy.

Six minutes. I groaned and leaned all the way back on the hood as I continued replying to the girls. I laughed as I returned to some of the profiles I noticed to see them flipping out like crazy. I always loved to see their reactions, because they were always so shocked, and it was hilarious.

12 minutes. I started getting worried so I pushed my phone into my pocket and I ran up to the bathrooms.

As I navigated through the hallways I leaned up against the door to the girls bathroom. I looked down at my watch and rolled my eyes as I knocked on the door. I heard some sobbing, so I walked in, not caring that it was the girls bathroom. 

"Le-" I stopped in my tracks when I saw blood dripping out of Leah's arm as she was walking towards the sink. I shook my head and walked up to her, "Leah," I whispered, as a tear fell from my cheek. She looked up at me and she froze like a deer in headlights.

"Justin," she whispered back as she regained her knowledge of where she was and what was happening.

"Please Leah you- you can't do this," I begged, tears welling in my eyes.

"Justin it's the only way I know how to get away from everything," she spoke ever so quietly as she pressed her lips together firmly.

"I caused this," I whispered, "Leah I'm so-" She cut me off.

"Justin it really wasn't you," she spoke in a persisting tone.

"Then why Leah?" I asked. She sighed and walked closer to the sink. She turned on the tap and looked over at me as she rinsed the blood off of her arm. I glanced down at her wrists and felt my heart sink down as I realized my best friend was actually hurting herself.

"Long story," she replied as she walked up to the paper towel dispenser.

"Tell me in the car?" I begged. She groaned and looked at me. She eventually nodded and I took her hands into mine.

"Leah, please don't do this anymore. You'll have me again," I spoke trying to assure her that I would help her. I kissed her wrists and wrapped my arms around her. I pressed my lips to her head and leaned my forehead against hers. "I love you, Leah"

"... so I've always used cutting as a way to release my emotions, I guess," Leah explained.

"Not anymore. I'll be here baby girl, and I'll stand up for you. Anyone that tries to hurt you, will be hurt by me," I spoke with a hint of anger.

I felt like such an overprotective big brother, but you know what? It didn't matter, so deal with it. Who the hell would be so dumb to bully Leah like that? To a point where she self harms and wants to take her own life? No, this is ending now. I'll fucking ruin the next person I see hurting her.

"Leah, we're in Las Vegas," I spoke with a wink. She slapped my arm playfully and giggled as she sensed my dirty tone of voice.

"What happens in Vegas-" Leah shouted.

"Stays in Vegas!" I finished. She started laughing, as did I. I pulled into a hotel parking lot and left Leah to go make sure there was a room available.

"Do you have any with two beds?" I asked. The lady scrolled through her computer for a minute.

"I'm sorry all we have left is a room on the fourth floor with one queen bed," The lady said. I nodded.

"I'll take it," I stated. I paid her and went out to get Leah. She looked up from her phone as I walked up and she jumped out of the car before running up to the sidewalk. I chuckled and walked to the trunk where I got our bags and she led the way to the room.

We made our way to the elevator and watched the screen as the numbers rose higher and higher until we arrived at level four. I let Leah out first, and followed close behind as she walked down the halls searching for the room number. As Leah found the room she quickly stuck the key card in the slot and ran inside.

"Yay sleep!" she yelled as she jumped onto the bed.

"I hope you don't mind, this is the last room they had," I spoke as I dropped the suitcases on the floor. Leah shook her head. She grabbed some of her things from her bag and went into the bathroom to change as I changed in the room.

I pulled off my shirt and threw it onto the chair before slipping off my jeans. I changed my boxers and put on some comfortable sweatpants.

I laid down on the bed and took out my laptop, resting it on my lap as I propped my head on the pillows. Leah walked into the room seconds later, tangling her fingers in her hair as she tried to wrap it in a bun.

"We can be in Canada in probably a day in a half if we follow this route," I stated pointing at Google maps, "Well not including traffic and stops along the way." We had six days until Christmas, and I was just hoping I could get us both there on time.

"Sounds good," Leah mumbled softly before crawling into bed. I put my laptop on the counter and shut it off.

"Night, beautiful," I whispered.

"Night, Justin," she replied and I kissed her cheek as I wrapped my arms around her.

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