Chapter Twenty One: Everything's Gonna Be Alright

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Chapter 21: Everything's Gonna Be Alright


"I'll pay," I said taking out my wallet. "Anyway you could get this surgery done today so he can come home for Christmas?" I pleaded.

"I don't think-" the doctor began, but I cut him off.

"Does an extra $5,000 make that possible?" I asked with so much hope in my eyes. The doctor looked at me and sighed.

"I don't take bribery, son," he spoke.

"Then just do me a favor and save my best friend's brother," I pleaded.

"You have to, he's practically all she has left, and she needs him so much," I begged. "I'll do anything to get Matt the surgery," I spoke. The doctor looked at me for a moment and let out a deep breath.

"I don't know if that's gonna be possible, Mr.Bieber," the doctor admitted honestly to me.

"It has to be! You have a huge staff, your jobs are to save lives, just save his a little bit earlier than planned. That's all I'm asking for. Help him a little bit earlier," I begged. The doctor sighed and looked through his papers for a second before nodding.

"Come with me," he said. He got up and led me to the front desk of the hospital.

"This young man wants to pay for Matt Maybel's surgery, we're going to do it tonight, he'll be done by 9 or 10 this evening if everything goes well," the doctor informed the secretary before turning to me.

"You're a good kid you know that? You'll be able to take him home a hour or two after the surgery," he finished. The doctor patted me on the back and I went up to the secretary to give her my card.

"You sure you can just pay $40,000?" she asked. I laughed and nodded as she took her eyes off the keyboard and up at me. "Oh Mr.Bieber, that's why you're so confident with your money," she laughed.

"Positive," I stated. "I'd rather help out some people with my money than have it sit around for myself, you know?" I informed and she nodded before swiping my card. "When will the surgery be?" I asked as I watched her type something into the computer before she handed me back my card. I placed it in my wallet and shoved it in my pocket.

"Possibly in an hour if the doctor has no other patients, two if he does," she replied. I nodded before thanking her and walking back to Matt's room.

The nurse gave me a smile and mouthed a thank you to me as I walked in and took a seat in the room. I smiled back and shook my head. I walked over to Leah who was sitting on the edge of Matt's bed with him crying. I let them talk things out and figure out what was going on as I just looked around the room, getting comfortable with my surroundings.

Leah looked up to see me sitting on the opposite side of the room, and she patted to the seat next to her on the bed. I obliged and sat by Leah and Matt on the bed.

"I think Matt's strong enough to make it, don't you?" Leah whispered as she fought back her tears.

"I'm positive," I replied with confidence in my voice. Everything was going to be fine at this point, and Leah needed to know that. Just as I began thinking about the surgery, the doctor I spoke to not too long ago walked in with a clipboard.

"Matt?" he spoke softly. Matt looked up but kept his arms around his sister who couldn't stop bawling her eyes out since the moment she found out about the cancer.

"Yes?" he replied while rubbing Leah on the back softly. Leah looked up at the doctor as well with hope that he was bringing some good news. She took my hand as she used the other to hug Matt. She needed both of us, and she was making it obvious.

"We're going to be removing your cancer by surgery in a few minutes if that's alright with you?" he informed ever so simply. Matt's eyes widened and he looked to Leah, to me and then back to the doctor in the matter of a second. He almost choked on his words as he tried to speak.

"I thought we didn't have any money-" Matt began, but the doctor cut him off.

"I guess someone wanted to make your Christmas special," the doctor spoke with a bright smile.

"This is great, thank you," Matt exclaimed. The doctor nodded and walked out, letting us all change the room mood from sad and upset to completely amazed and ecstatic.

I smiled as I watch Leah's face light up and as she stopped crying to pull Matt into a hug.

"I'm so happy!" she exclaimed. She pulled away from Matt and wrapped her arms around me.

"I wonder who gave us the money?" she wondered with a smile as she looked up at me. I was happy seeing Leah and Matt so excited. In fact, I was just happy in general that Matt was going to be okay, and that Leah wouldn't lose anyone.

"Me too, must've been a Christmas miracle," I whispered as I kissed her head.

The doctor came back in a few minutes later with some surgeons and they rolled Matt away on a new bed. I walked back with Leah to the waiting room and we waited in silence.

"He's a strong kid, Leah," I spoke breaking the silent atmosphere.

"Yeah, I just hope the surgery works out, so this can be over," she sighed as she dropped her hands on her knees and looked up to me.

"It will," I smiled. Leah rested her head on my chest and I played with her hair as we continued to wait for the surgery to be over. 

"Justin can you sing to me?" Leah asked. I nodded and began to sing softly in her ear as I rocked her back and forth a bit to keep her calm.

"Through the sorrow and the fights, don't you worry cause everything's gonna be alright."

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