Chapter Twenty Two: Home Soon

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Chapter 22: Home Soon


I woke up to Justin shaking me lightly and telling me to get up. My eyes fluttered open, and I took in my surroundings. Hospital.

"Why are we here? What's going on?" I asked frantically. Justin looked at me confused and he soothed my hair back with his fingers so gently.

"Leah, we're here for Matt, remember?" he asked trying to get me to remember. My eyes widened when the information clicked and I nodded. 

"Is the surgery over yet?" I mumbled while rubbing my eyes.

"Why don't you see for yourself," Justin whispered while standing up. I took his hand and he walked me over to Matt's room. The doctor was standing next to him and welcomed us in. I took a deep breath before walking into the room and standing opposite the doctor to hear what he had to say about the surgery.

"How did everything go?" I asked, very curious about my brother and his condition.

"The surgery went great. Thankfully the cancer was so new that we could get it out quickly. I'm very happy to inform you that we made sure to remove all the cells undergoing out-of-control mitosis, so the tumor should not be a problem anymore," the doctor informed happily.

"Matt is very lucky, not many people can go into remission so easily. They usually don't get diagnosed until it's too late," he added on. I smiled and ran over to Matt.

"I knew everything would be okay!" I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek. I kept my arms around him as I looked into his eyes and smiled even wider if that was possible. I could feel tears welling in my eyes from the joy of having my brother be okay.

"I knew everything would fine," I whispered as I pulled Matt back into a hug and I sniffled back some of my tears.

"That's right Leah, I love you sis," Matt whispered into my hair as he rubbed my back. "Everything's all good now, no more worrying," Matt assured me.

"I love you too, Matt," I replied with a smile before kissing his cheek one last time. I spun around and looked over to the doctor.

"Do you know the name of who paid for Matt's surgery? I want to thank them if it's possible," I spoke hopefully. The doctor shrugged his shoulders and looked over at Justin who sat in his seat and just smiled over at me.

"Merry Christmas," Justin mumbled quietly. My eyes widened as everything finally sank in. I rushed over to Justin and looked at him like he was crazy.

"You paid all that money for this?" I exclaimed. Justin shrugged as he smiled. "Are you insane? Justin that was so much money!" I shouted.

"You can't just- Oh my Go- Justin!" I whined as I stuttered through my words. "You can't just pull out a couple ten thousand bucks and do that? You're crazy!" I yelled as I hit Justin's shoulder a few times in disbelief.

"Come on, Leah, you know it wasn't a big deal for me. Plus, your brothers my friend too and I didn't want to see him like that," Justin shrugged.

"I wanted to make sure Matt was okay for his sake, and for your sake, so you wouldn't have to lose anyone. Plus of course I can. Hell, I can pull out a couple ten thousand bucks right now to shut you up," Justin fought back. I narrowed my eyes at him and poked his chest a few times.

"Justin you're crazy! I can't deal with this kind of stuff! I mean- how the hell am I supposed to pay you bac-" I yelled, but he cut me off and took my hands.

"That's the thing, you don't have to. I'm just happy that everyone's okay and you're happy," he spoke with a smile. "That's all that matters at the end of the day right?" he whispered.

"But-" I started, but he cut me off again.

"Nope, nothing you can do about it," he spoke with a  smile, kissing my forehead gently.

"Thank you," I whispered, giving into him. "Thank you so much," I exclaimed softly as I wrapped my arms around him tightly and kissed his cheek a few times. "I love you, I love you, I love you," I spoke.

"You're so amazing, thank you," I repeated for probably the hundredth time. I looked at Justin in awe as everything began settling in my head. Everyone was okay. My brother didn't have cancer within a few hours because of Justin. My brother was cured, because Justin paid for him. My Justin was back and he was saving me again like promised. He saved my brother, and in turn saved me at the same time. He smiled at me as he pulled away and walked over to Matt.

"How are you feeling?" he asked my brother.

"Fine. Haven't seen you in a while, but thanks man," Matt informed Justin with a smile. Justin smiled back at him as they had a little bonding moment after so many years.

"It was nothing, I'm glad I'm back. I missed you guys," Justin replied. I smiled as I watched their exchange. My two boys, the ones I need the most were both okay.

Matt put out his hand for him and Justin to do a little "bro hug." I giggled a bit and walked over to the nurse who was standing by the door.

"Okay come on Matt," Justin spoke, gesturing for Matt to go to the door.

"Doesn't he have to recover or something?" I asked frantically, automatically getting nervous again. Justin laughed and shook his head as he looked at me as if I was just a bit crazy.

"He has been for the past three hours while you were sleeping. I already talked to the doctor, we're taking him home with us," Justin informed. I smiled and wrapped my arms around Justin.

"Thank you so much," I whispered.

"No problem," he whispered back and pulled away. "Alright come on guys we have seven hours of driving," Justin informed. I nodded and we walked out with Matt. Justin carried his bags into the car and sat him in the back. Justin got in the drivers seat and started the car.

"Finally we'll be home soon," he whispered.

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