Chapter Eight: Shatter

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Chapter 8: Shatter


"Leah, wake up please," Justin spoke softly as he shook me. I groaned and rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up.

"Go get changed and whatever you need to do, cause we need to leave in 30 minutes," Justin informed.

I nodded before getting my clothes and walking into the bathroom. I stripped my PJ's off and stepped into the shower before turning on the tap and rinsing my body with some body wash I brought in my suitcase. I didn't wash my hair since I was lazy and I wrapped my cold body in a soft towel as I stepped out of the shower, feeling the cold air prickle my skin as I exposed myself to the cool room. 

I walked back out of the bathroom and packed my stuff up. Justin took our bags and brought them downstairs. He checked us out of the room and thanked the lady at the front desk. I followed Justin outside to wear he unlocked the car and I sat in the passengers seat as Justin put our stuff in the trunk. He came up to the drivers seat and put the key in the ignition. He rubbed his eyes before turning the key to start the car.

"Sleep well?" he asked while backing out of the parking spot.

"Yeah, thanks for carrying me back to the hotel," I spoke with a smile. He nodded and drove out onto the road. 

"Let me know when you're hungry so we can stop for breakfast," Justin informed. 

"Alright," I replied simply. I sighed as I looked out the window. It was 4 am and we had to drive for almost the entire day. I was surprised that Justin was willing to even drive this far. I was impressed, he was really being responsible.

I rested my elbow on the door and supported my head with my hand. 'As Long As You Love Me' came on and I smiled.

"I don't know if this makes sense but you're my hallelujah," Justin sang with the song while looking at me. I giggled and rapped along with him as he turned his attention back to the road.

We parked at Waffle House and went inside. I found us a booth and we both sat down as we waited for a waitress. We ordered some pancakes and began eating.

"Here comes the choo choo train!" Justin exclaimed as he circled the fork around and stuffed it in my mouth. I laughed as I watched him treat me like a child. "You're so cute," he whispered. I smiled and batted my lashes at him. Justin laughed and continued feeding me.

"Thanks," Justin exclaimed as we left. He opened the door for me as I stepped out and I groaned as we got back in the car. "What's wrong beautiful?" Justin asked.

"I hate driving for a long time," I stated. Justin chuckled and took my hand before bringing it up to his lips and kissing my knuckles softly. He patted my knee once he brought my hand back down and sighed.

"We just gotta get to Nebraska City; 12 hours baby," he informed. I let out a deep breath and looked back out the window. 

Three more hours until our next stop in Denver. Justin said he wanted to show me some things there and take a little break from driving.He pulled into a gas station and got out of the car. A car pulled up to the pump next to us and a guy tapped on my window.

The man winked and made a kissy face at me. I scoffed and looked the other way. I saw Justin's knuckles turn white and his jaw clench as he watched the man walk away. I giggled a little as I knew some kind of jealousy was brewing in him.

Justin finished pumping the gasoline and slammed the door when he got back in the car. He jammed the key into the ignition and drove away furiously. 

"Justin what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I don't like when guys look at you like that," he informed through gritted teeth.

"Oh," I mumbled quietly and looked out the window. I shook my head and rested my head on my hand as my elbow was propped up on the arm rest. We pulled out onto the main road and Justin groaned.

Justin slammed his car horn for about 15 seconds as a car pulled out into the middle of the road right as we were driving by.

"Fucking bastard! What the hell are you doing?" he yelled as if the driver could hear him. Justin slammed his hand against the top of the steering wheel and let it bounce back up.

"Are you fucking retarded or something?" he shouted and gave him the middle finger as we drove past him before muttering something under his breath. It was now rush hour, so the insane drivers were all over. Not as bad as New York City though, thank God for that.

"Justin!" I yelled pointing at the car speeding up to cross the intersection even though they had a red light. Justin slammed on the brakes and I squeezed my eyes shut. What they said about your life flashing before your eyes was completely true.

My heart was pounding as random voices wandered around my head, flashbacks darting in and out of my brain as I let out a shriek. I kept my eyes closed tight as the car slipped around.

I could feel the glass shatter onto my skin and my head bang into the dashboard. I felt Justin's arm come in front of my head to prevent it from crashing into the board again. I felt the car spin around a few times as I heard the tires squeaking and skidding across the road.

I opened my eyes quickly when I felt the car come to a stop. My face was covered in tears and blood as I held onto Justin's arm tightly. I let him soothe my hair back as he kept me close in assurance that I would be okay. I was shaken up and very nervous.

  "It's okay baby, you're alright," he whispered. I looked up at him. His lip was busted, and his nose was bleeding. He had scratches, ripped skin, and bruises all over his body.

Justin winced every now and then, and I assumed I was touching one of his bigger wounds, so I tried to back off a little to not hurt him, but Justin pulled me closer every time.

        I shook like a chihuahua, occasionally letting out a breath while sobbing. Justin continued to comfort me as we sat in the car.

Police, ambulances, paramedics, and even a fire truck appeared within a few minutes. Some men and a woman opened my car door and carried me out onto a stretcher. It was very uncomfortable to have your neck in a brace, and the rest of your body pinned down to a board, when you knew you only had a few scratches.  

 "I'm fine!" I yelled as they constantly kept jabbing things into my skin. A mask was placed over my mouth and nose, and in a few seconds everything went black.

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