Chapter Eleven: Anything?

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Chapter 11: Anything?


"I do," someone mumbled quietly. I turned on my heels and my jaw dropped.

"I told them you were alive!" I yelled before running up and hugging Justin. I could tell he was clenching his jaw to keep any groans of pain from escaping his mouth. He kissed my head and looked me in the eyes.

"I had to, for you," Justin admitted with a smile. He looked me straight in the eyes and lifted his thumb up to wipe away the tears on my cheeks.

I pressed my lips onto Justin's and before I knew it, he was kissing back. His hands moved down to my waist and mine ran through his hair. I let out a gasp in the middle of the kiss and pulled away quick.

"I'm sorry," I whispered before shaking my head and walking away. What just happened?

I just kissed Justin, that's what happened, idiot. I can't believe myself. I've always wanted to kiss him, but at the same time I didn't because I knew he didn't have feelings for me.

Oh god, what am I saying? I'm going insane, someone help me. I sighed as I walked back to the doctor.

"Can Justin leave now?" I whined. The doctor let out a laugh and handed me medications.

"Make sure he doesn't operate heavy machinery, such as a car, for at least 24 hours. Also have him take these pills every 12 hours. I don't know how, but he literally recovered as soon as you started screaming that he was alive. It was like you talking to him had some sort of effect on his health," the doctor chuckled. " Good job, you basically saved him." he patted me on my shoulder and I cracked a smile.

"Thank you," I spoke quietly. I thanked the other nurses and dragged Justin out of the hospital. I stopped in my tracks abruptly when I realized something.

"Car," I spoke. Justin looked at me confused, "We don't have a damn car," I groaned in frustration.

"Sure we do, I'm Justin Bieber," he joked. I rolled my eyes and walked away as he made a call.

Soon enough a tow truck with a car on the back of it pulled up and dropped off the car for Justin. He walked over to the drivers side and I stopped him.

"Uh uh uh," I warned waving my finger, "Doctor said no heavy machinery for 24 hours," I smirked and got in the drivers seat. He groaned and sat himself down in the passengers.

"Shit," I mumbled forgetting about our bags. I ran out of the car and into the hospital.

"Excus-" I was cut off by the doctor. He held up Justin and I's bags and smiled. I smiled back and took the bags. I thanked him again and headed back to the car. 

Justin hopped out of the passengers seat when he saw me lugging the heavy bags.

"Here I'll help," he offered and took the bags. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as I nodded in acknowledgment of his actions. Justin placed the bags in the trunk and sat himself back in the passengers seat.

I stuck the key in the ignition and turned out into a parking space so we weren't blocking the entrance.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Justin pulled out his phone and typed in something.

"We need to get on I-70 East," Justin stated. I nodded and carefully pulled out of the hospital parking lot. I turned out onto the main road and merged onto the highway.

Two hours of silence passed and I finally merged onto I-80. No one said a word. I didn't want to, unless it was completely necessary, and I was fine with that.

"Slow down!" Justin yelled. I looked at him and scoffed.

"How about you calm down? I'm going 60 in an 80 mph zone," I replied. His face turned red and he relaxed himself a little more. I laughed in disbelief but then brought my full attention back onto the road.

I glanced over at the clock by the radio and groaned. It was already 9 pm and we still had maybe six or seven hours of driving. The traffic went in our favor so we kind of sped up when we had the chance, and shortened our route.

"Justin," I whined. He turned his head over to me in response.

"Hmm?" he mumbled out.

"Do you have any water?" I begged. Justin chuckled and shook his head. I groaned and pulled onto the far right lane. Starbucks, next exit. 

I continued driving until the next exit. I pulled off onto the small road and turned into the Starbucks. Justin came out with me and put on his hoodie, wincing as he pulled it over his torso.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I felt helpless in a sense that I couldn't ease his pain. He looked up at me and nodded, leading us inside the cafe.

We ordered coffees and got a few bottles of water as well as some snacks from the gas station grocery right next to the cafe. We hopped back in the car and positioned ourselves back to how we were.

"Large coffee, candy, and water. I think I'll survive six more hours of driving," I spoke satisfied. Justin laughed and sipped his coffee.

Another long period of awkward and very uncomfortable silence passed. Okay I'm being dramatic. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, it was just really weird not having Justin talk to me.

"Leah?" Justin suddenly whispered. My eyes widened and I tightened my grip on the wheel. Was he reading my mind or something?

"Yes Justin?" I replied calmly.

"About earlier today," he started and scratched the back of his neck, like he always does when he's a little uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Justin I didn't m-" I began awkwardly, but he cut me off.

"No it's okay. Did you feel anything?" he asked. I looked at him confused, my forehead wrinkling.

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow, wanting him to elaborate.

"During the kiss, did it mean anything to you?" he whispered. My muscles tensed up and my heart began beating fast. I decided it would be best to just shake my head.

"No," I whispered back. His face dropped and immediately filled with pain. He nodded simply.

"Oh," he whispered quietly before looking back out the window. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it and mentally cursed myself.

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