Chapter Seven: Hold Me Tight

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Chapter 7: Hold Me Tight


I woke up in Justin's arms, pressed up against his chest. I carefully crawled out of his embrace and got into the bathroom to take a shower. 

When I finished I turned off the tap and wrapped myself in a towel. I went over to my bag and pulled out a razor. I broke it and pulled out the blade. I bit my lip and remembered what Justin said. I threw it on the ground and backed away from it crying.

I quickly put on my clothes and walked up to the sink to brush my hair. I groaned as some of curls didn't want to untangle. I pulled back my side bangs with a clip and looped a small bow on it as it matched my outfit. I smiled and got out of the bathroom satisfied. I finally conquered my urge to cut. Maybe Justin being here really did help.

I decided to get us both breakfast since Justin was asleep. I went downstairs and picked up some bagels, juice, and pancakes. I placed everything on a tray and grabbed some forks as I walked back to the elevator.

As I made my way back into the hotel room I saw Justin walking out of the bathroom.

"Morning, I got us breakfast," I sang as I placed the tray down on the table. Justin smiled and came over to me.

"I found this on the floor," Justin whispered as he held up a razor blade. "Please don't tell me that you hurt yourself again, Leah, please," Justin begged as he set the blade down and looked at me concerned.

"I was going to, but I remembered what you said and threw it on the ground," I spoke quietly. Justin walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl," he spoke, smiling. I smiled back at him and sat down at the table with Justin right next to me.

"Leah," Justin whined. I looked over at him as I took a sip of my juice and raised my eyebrows. "Where's my jelly?" he pouted. I giggled and pulled out two pouches of raspberry jelly from the side of the tray. "You remembered," Justin whispered.

"I remember everything," I winked. Justin chuckled and shook his head.

"You didn't remember that time you talked to me about the Nickelback song!" Justin protested.

"I honestly think you made all that up so you could say I needed you," I spoke with a giggle. Justin raised his hands up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Come on! You think I would lie like that?" Justin gasped. I laughed and continued eating my food.

After we ate Justin decided he was gonna show me around Vegas. I was still wondering how he was gonna do that without being attacked by any fans or paparazzi but I let him figure it out.

Justin had his hoodie and sunglasses on while holding me close to him as we walked along the streets. Vegas was hot year round so he didn't stand out too much since many people were wearing sunglasses.

"Come on I wanna show you something!" Justin said, and took my hand. He started running and laughing like a little kid. I just followed him and let him have his fun. 

"It's beautiful," I exclaimed. Justin smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Just like you," he winked. I felt my cheeks burning to a bright shade of red at that moment. I hid my face in Justin's chest and kept walking with his arm wrapped around my waist tightly.

We walked for a while, and stopped at a few places on the way. Justin brought me to the Venetian Hotel and we took a little ride in a gondola. I thought it was adorable that they literally recreated Venice in a hotel. 

"Would you like to go see the Treasure Island Show?" Justin asked with a smile. I nodded and we walked through the dark streets toward a hotel. Justin guided me through the halls into the back where they had a dock set up. 

We got a good spot in the front and Justin wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as we waited for the show to start. Suddenly music blasted through the speakers and a show of lights, water, music, and fire began. I didn't even know where to look first, everything was so extravagant and huge! 

My eyes widened as I watched the amazing exposition. One of the pirates even made a funny face at me as he swam away from the boat when it sank. I laughed and continued watching the show.

I kept covering my face, and ducking whenever a cannon was pointed at us and exploded, even though I knew nothing was really inside. Justin chuckled  as he watched me freak out over the noises, and he held me even tighter.

We spent the rest of the day walking around Vegas. I got so tired at one point that Justin insisted on carrying me back to the hotel.

I climbed onto his back and rested my head on his shoulder as he secured my thighs with his arms. I yawned a few times, causing Justin to laugh.

"You're sleeping on me already?" Justin chuckled.

"I'm so tired, leave me alone," I whined in a childish voice.

"So am I, why don't you carry me?" Justin joked causing me to giggle a little as I kissed his cheek softly and rested my head back on his shoulder.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

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