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In the darkness, as thunder cracks in the dawn sky, two brothers fall to the gritty tar of the road, gasping in shock.

Dean catches himself on his knees by reaching his hands out and steadying himself on the grass.

Sam lands on his feet, a whimper escapes his lips as he gasps her name. His brown eyes widen. He looks around in shock only to see the black Impala where they had left on the road and the familiar hill scenery around them. Crowley's large fence sits in the same place across the road. The fence is tall and unbreakable.

Where is Aderyn? What happened?

Sam spins around to Dean, his eyebrows raising. Dean shakes his head and stands up, the Colt in his hand. Dean casts a lingering look towards the mansion before turning away. He unlocks his with a snort.

"That was easier than I had expected it to be," Dean says as he goes to get in the Impala.

Sam takes a sharp intake of breath. He runs towards the gate.

"Aderyn!" Sam screams, at the top of his voice, "Aderyn! She's still in there. We need to go back and get her, Dean. I didn't agree to this stupid deal,"

Sam bunches his fists and slams them against the gate. It jolts.

Then a sudden burst of electricity races through the wire and hits him like lightning. Sam's body quivers in pain. He soars backwards. His eyes widen. Dean shouts his brother's name and runs over, but Sam clambers back up to his unsteady feet.

He runs at the fence again.

Dean reaches out and grips him by the shoulders. Sam shouts in protest, but Dean throws him back onto the grass with a thud.

"We have better things to do than save your girlfriend, Sam. We have the Colt," Dean yells at his younger brother. "Now, we need to kill Lucifer before he turns you into his personal meat bag. Alright?" Dean says as he dribbles his hands through his brown hair. He sighs before pulling a glowering Sam back to his feet.

"I'm sorry Sammy, I am," Dean apologises. His green eyes twinkle under the stars. "But sometimes the sacrifices we have to make involve the ones closest to our hearts."

Sam shoves Dean so hard he stumbles, before clenching his jaw.

"Let's go. I don't want to waste any more time," Sam orders. Dean nods sharply as he spins on his heels to get into the Impala.

The roaring engine bellows in time with another clap of thunder. Dean resists beeping the car's horn at Sam who still stands near the gate of Crowley's home. His shoulders hunched forward.

I'll be back soon, he thinks, his heart aching for Aderyn. He already feels lonely in her absence. He doesn't know why, but he feels as though fate must have something to do with it.

Are soul mates real in the chaos of this world? As Sam turns away from the mansion and from Aderyn, he knows what his answer is.

The brothers drive off into the night and Sam's eyes remain on the mansion until it disappears into the darkness.

The brothers drive off into the night and Sam's eyes remain on the mansion until it disappears into the darkness

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