1. Running

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''Tomorrow we are attending an art museum''

That's what Jungkook heard and stopped doodling on a piece of paper.

''Don't forget to bring your pocket money for tickets... now let's continue with our lesson.''

The soft yet strict voice of the teacher for the first time sounded very lovely because finally, Jungkook has the change to see something fascinating and original... yet unusual. There's something new walking on that voice. Something good. No matter how much he tried to ignore his artistic nature, letting himself dive into the school book pages, he never found them interesting. Jungkook is trying to get a hold of them, in order to make a greater future for his grandma, want to let her know, that even if his parents are gone, he want to make her proud of who he is.

Sometimes the pages are endless while testing his endurance and patience.
Other times the words penetrate into his mind staying there but most of the time, are simply white pages.

But for now, he needs to have some fun and enjoy something he loves and desire..like painters and other pieces of art. He smiled and tagged the sketch in math's book. The atmosphere was different now... not cold anymore. The walls have pallete's unique colors and sweet smell.

Jungkook's desk is right next to the window which allows daydreaming the outside world... the breeze that shivers the tree branches made a bird's nest almost collapse. He noticed that despite the fact their home gets ruined every time, piece by piece they are building it again with their beaks full of hay. Today one of them is nurturing the egg.

After a couple of hours, the other came to strengthen their home. Jungkook always wondered how animals have their instincts dominated by the will to survive and procreation when humans discard any sigh of it just to follow their dreams. Jungkook too... he has other ambitions in life. Plans written in endless pages with the beautiful taste of spring flowers and vanilla ice-cream.

Suddenly a boy catches his attention.

He was running in circles in the schoolyard. How weird...  Although he completed a couple of runs, he still had the energy to move on. The guy had very bright flowing orange hair and he was breathing heavily the moment he cleared another loop.

He looked like he was striving for something or chasing someone... all alone. He was trying to inhale as much oxygen he could and lt looked like his heart almost bursted from beating too fast. Even tho he looked tired he didn't stop an inch, causing Jungkook not to take his eyes off of him. His boggy uniform made him imagine the built of his legs...

He didn't understand what made him feel so attracted to this guy. The gaze is so intense that he forgets to shut his eyes.

Dammit... What am I doing... I'm staring at a guy running in the yard...

Jungkook blinked when he heard the bell ringing. Oh, how annoying it was, yet he was glad that lesson's ended.

''Those will be on midterms, please study well.''

Oh fuck, he completely ignored his surroundings even his teacher, almost nonexistent. I should get my things together. Studying hard at night is a plus but I don't want to stay behind either...not after I put so much effort to do this well...

When he turned back to the window, the boy was missing so he packed his things in the bag and left the room. He was disappointed...In the end, Jungkook didn't see him wheeze on the floor. He didn't seem to give up.

Jungkook wished to watch him being taken over by fatigue when he finally gave up. Just the right moment when he does his final big steps from being drained on the floor, by putting his palms on his knees, looking down with half-closed eyes and wheeze out all the strength he had left to completely faint on the yard afterward. Yet he left unscathed... He imagines him with his eyes up at the sky, proud of himself.

No... Jungkook doesn't want to have that image in his mind. Seeing the boy win against his body's will, wasn't his plan.

He wanted to see his weakness... not his victory against the tiredness of his body.


This is my first fanfic I hope you like it ;_;
I did like 5 hours to finish this chapter because English is not my first language.

Thanks to my editor Sofie Chan <3
Please vote and comment to help me continue it.

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