3. Stop

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Students had some spare time before the actual excursion started and their teacher let them wander a little further. Thus, having the opportunity for Jungkook to talk to the boy with his eyes still attached on him, he turned towards his side.

"You're right..." Jungkook said with a low voice.

" I didn't mean about your opinion on the painting, rather than the reaction you had when you saw it. I presume you looked quite scared, no?" The boy commented sarcastically.

Jungkook thought that everyone would be quite terrified after seeing pure violence, that's what he believed at least. This was the impression Caravaggio gave him, even though the artwork itself was great the theme was not something He'd hold on to.

"It's okay, you're just a sensitive person... I can see that. " He continued.

It was quite obvious he was mocking at Jungkook and that made him feel inferior to his feelings.

"I saw you working out in the backyard yesterday. Was it you?" Jungkook asked while changing the topic, even that he doesn't like that annoying memory... this memory sounds like bees around his ears.

"Yeah, it kinda helped me to warm up." He answered. Indeed.. it was a cold day, even the bones feel it inside of the flesh.

"Oh, I see..." Jungkook's gaze changed direction from the awkwardness until he felt a slight flush.

"So you spotted me from your classroom?" The boy asked.

"Well I was bored during the lecture, so you just happened to catch my attention; you seem quite sturdy as well since you didn't look tired back then." He mentioned. He really didn't look tired... he looked like fire ready to burn the weakness. It feels weird... Jungkook saw the boy from too far away but now is in front of him, talking and breathing. All happened too fast... he is just too fast... and so beautiful.

His eyes are continuously looking at Jungkook but they are... walls? Not emotional. Just black walls. Jungkook can almost smell it, there's a hidden smoke behind those eyes.

He finally pulls his arms off of Jungkook; he hopes that no one saw them because it could bring up nasty rumors, Jungkook is the classroom's outsider, and it's the last thing he needs.

"You know..when I'm out for a run, thinking stuff make me distracted from the fatigue." He explained. But...what? What does he mean?

"Then what was your mind occupied with, back there?" He asked him filled with curiosity.

"The person who kept staring at me."

His answer surprised him and his heart skipped a beat.

Jungkook can hear it... he can hear it for a second, he can hear the landslide... it's a disaster but...

"Actually I skipped class back then, I was really not up to it and I decided to walk around school until I settled cutting rounds in the backyard. I felt a gaze towards me, so when I looked around I noticed that there was this one person watching, not his teacher... but outside of the window... to me."

At some point, he became quite irritable, even though he sounded as if he was the center of the world, that somehow made Jungkook feel quite...

"Then how come did we meet today? This was supposed to be our classroom's field trip." Jungkook changed the subject again. He likes it that way. It tastes bitter-sweet.

"How did you find me?"

He glared at Jungkook for a few seconds with a judgmental look on his face and then he replied:

"It just happened that way, you're funny you know? After the course's over I'll be waiting outside." Cheap talk....and boring. Those words don't match his spirit. Maybe Jungkook feels ready to attack him.

"Huh? What for? "

"Just wait and see." He answered while Jungkook felt him putting his arm around his waist for a half-second, he pulled himself off him and said:

"....I don't even know your name." But the name isn't anything special about this guy.. it doesn't really matter for Jungkook, maybe he just wants to taste that name in his lips. Maybe that name will taste a bit different than others... or it could bring him a new feeling inside his body.

"Kim Taehyung." He answered. His words are legs... don't run like this...

He must not give in, He fears that he's too attractive, Jungkook has to keep himself together.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, that's all you need to know." His name is Jungkook, that's all he needs to know. Smiled slightly and he headed back to his class group. He have to stop thinking for now...he has to...


Taehyung stood behind a huge pole in the main parlor of the museum. Still, his eyes are stars.

People were looking preoccupied the paintings on the walls, admiring every detail, every inch of them..every drop by the paintbrush. He was standing with his hands in the pockets, and he felt nothing about all of these. Emptiness for special different feelings.

He lifted his head to stare at Jungkook who was standing to the other side of the room. He seemed very excited, Taehyung thinks that he must really like the fact that he came to a place like that. He is right.

While looking at him from head to toe, Taehyung thought that he was more beautiful in person than he imagined.
His face emitted innocence, his eyes were so expressive. They hold so much emotion and hidden feelings. And his body.... oh his body... screaming too loud for attention. His skinny jeans showing off his shapely legs. Strong arms and pose. But he was expecting more than that.

Suddenly he seemed distracted; He wasn't listening to his teacher, Taehyung was staring at him turning his head to the other side, looking around. He was reaching for Taehyung, looking right and left to see if he was there for sure. He didn't find him.

Come on Jungkook, look at me. He exposed body even more. Jungkook's eyes finally found their way to him and Taehyung left a sly smile. A game that they learn slowly to play. There's no winner...only two losers. This game can be dangerous... or it can be fun. It can be cement, soft in the beginning, tough in the end.

Jungkook felt awkward and he avoided looking at him farther more. Come on boy. Just let me play with our eyes a little more. Don't act like I am not here.

Taehyuung waited half an hour and he was following the group carefully and slowly from behind like a ghost.

Did we already arrive at the end of the building? Were they finished?

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