8. Vodka or wine?

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His tongue is ready to jump off of his mouth. It's all Taehyung's fault who drank his coffee fast, just the time he grabbed it and he's now tortured by his own stupidity. 

His mouth burns but he is so abstract that he doesn't think or see what's going on around him. As long as his mouth stops screaming, Taehyung looks at the table but in reality, he doesn't look at it, because thoughts are running deep inside of his mind. Jimin is on the runway to meet him having left the school's locker room. He had volleyball training and he's already exhausted, but he can't wait to sit with Taehyung and he has a lot of things to share with him. 

He sees Taehyung sitting at the canteen's table and starts feeling captured by anxiety because of the seriousness on his face... He was not prepared for a conversation with grey colors and big waves. Taehyung's body language he witnesses is blurred by fog cascades that don't welcome him in a nightly conversation.

 ''Taehyung, I never saw you sitting there before.'' And that's because Taehyung always preferred walking at the runways or talking with his classmates. 

In fact, recently a girl from his class was watching him. Her eyes and ears ready for his every move. Pink lips painted every day with lip-gloss and long brown hair that reaches her chest, looking so innocent and they all know how polite her spirit is. Also, she is the tallest girl in class. Taehyung has noticed her body thirstiness for a male's embrace but he doesn't feel that he'll be the one filling her, mostly because she seems that she wants something serious and romantic, and he doesn't feel like wanting a relationship. He tries to politely ignore her attention for him that fills easily a beaker with honey... a lot of honey... with not even one dose of unripe fruit. Taehyung hopes that she'll find the one she deserves but for some reason, boys don't look at her a lot. And Jimin told him once a compliment, that the guys in their classroom would prefer Taehyung much more despite all the other girls in school, which made him laugh.

 ''Hey Jimin, guess who followed me yesterday on Instagram...'' 

Huh? Taehyung rushed getting straight to the point and Jimin isn't just surprised, but also thinks that all this was just a joke... He really thought that something scary happened. He was waiting for a building to fall from a natural disaster without warning from the mother earth. 

The orange-haired boy stared at him with immobile eyes for some seconds, knowing that Jimin can't guess the person. Taehyung shallows slowly his saliva trying to find a way to talk, he doesn't want to make him worry a lot, he just wants to share with him what happened... he can't keep it in secret. 


Jimin starts biting his lip and doesn't know what he's waiting for and how he can manage the situation. He wants the words to hug him and not terrify him away. And just the time when Taehyung decides to open his big mouth determined to speak, a figure shows up behind Jimin's body.

 ''Didn't I tell you to find me in the piano room??'' 

Jimin froze in his seat and felt that his blood will be thrown out of his veins. He knows which person this abrasive voice belongs to and the way it sounds right now... it isn't for good... 

''Yoongi? What are you doing here?'' Taehyung asks looking at him with obvious annoyance. Jimin takes action and turns his head to Yoongi. 

''You needed me now? I thought our meeting was for tomorrow...'' 

'' I want you right now... I have to test you before we start practice. Since you agreed with me, you'll lose some breaks...''

 Yoongi... known for his music concerts at school and his eccentric style. He's a kinda lonely type of person and a bit scary in a sense that he gets easily angry. Jimin feels that Yoongi hides inside of his body a tired spirit who gets alive when it has the chance to show its creations and passion for what it loves. But this spirit is shy... and doesn't use kindness for defense. 

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