2. Pain

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Jungkook woke up next morning filled with so much excitement. Usually, he has trouble waking up this early cause being covered in blankets... all warm and cozy it's heaven for him.

He always hated to interrupt his sleep like that. Sometimes he thinks that it would be better if humans didn't need sleep. It will be nice... He would have more time for himself, do more things he likes or things that he wouldn't even imagine that he could do yet.

Now... how would he ever leave such a wonderful place as the bed and get out in the cold? Half-asleep with a terrible heaviness on the back?

However today was different, He is expecting something new and that made him look more forward to it. Jungkook is one of those students that are usually late since the place his attending to, is school.

He waved to his grandmother while rushed out of home and closed the door with hastiness.

Every day he takes the route to a local park and cross a red traditional bridge that's being hugged by a small pond... took the opportunity to stop for a minute and wander his shiny eyes through the beautiful landscape.

The reflection of the sun rays through the pond makes every nearby flower so vivid and bright while enhancing their tranquil smell it made him happy and optimistic for the upcoming events through the day. However, when it's cloudy the hazy waters upset that harmony is disrupted causing everything to look depressed by the grayness of the weather. Due to the upcoming winter, there aren't many flowers left.

He has a melancholy taste in his mouth... He sees the falling leaves touch the floor. But they aren't alone, hugging each other with every little piece of them having a different color. Jungkook feels like watching a dramatic scene. The dead leaves letting the tree naked, branches are now scary and have lost their purpose... doesn't have leaves or fruits to create and hold. The colors of fire and wood everywhere.

The moment he crossed the bridge, remembering that last night it was...

A golden valley of barley, growing at an infinite landscape with a small rocky road dividing it right in the middle of the summer. It was so hot that even If he begged for some shade to lie to, He'd probably turn into steam...

The sound of the footsteps aside those of cicadas are the only one living to stride and survive through the heat.

Suddenly on the horizon appears a figure... a human, maybe? The hazy presence is coming closer and closer. Making that blazing orange hair of theirs single out all the surrounding hay.

The boy started to run faster and faster... The hay that whips the skin of his powerful legs makes him ignore the pain regardless of how he feels. He continues striving forward. At some point he passes next to Jungkook, still... even this close, he couldn't grasp his facial details or at least his gaze. His spirit, however, was powerful enough to match a lion's determination. Strong... strong enough to broke rocks only with his warm breath. The heatwave has reached its peak when the boy disappeared to the other side of the horizon. He probably moved on to the neighboring fields and beyond.

Filled with despair he broke down on the road, tired, helpless and thirsty. Rubbles penetrated through his hot skin, with a feeling of being roasted under the unbearable sunlight... the idea of loathing him became undeniable... week eyes and the sun is ready to burn him slowly.

...He woke up...

Everything turns dark, Jungkook came with the realization that he is on the bed.

The dream was so vivid that he still felt the pain of those pebbles on his legs. Trying to touch the hurt area...

But no... nothing...

I think It's better to go back to sleep.

The daydream was over the moment he heard the school bus horn. It was time to switch vehicles. When he got on the one that leads them to the museum, Jungkook sat on the last row, right next to the window, as usual. After half an hour of riding the bus, they finally arrived to the so-awaiting-place. Once he got off, He raised his head to take a glimpse of the outer walls of the building in front of him. Two massive columns hold a Renaissance-like partially sculpted roof. It looked quite pompous, like an unread book.

When the teacher approached them he turned towards her in order to listen to what she had to say. She asked the students to form groups in pairs so they don't get lost. Unfortunately in Jungkook's case, he didn't have friends, so in the end, he was left alone. Luckily, grabbing a notebook, he could mark down any interesting finds.

Within a long corridor lined many exhibitions such as sculptures and various paintings. According to the teacher, they were mainly made by Italian artists. At some point, he came across a small plate where was written a name: "Caravaggio"

Beside the plate, was a painting that got him fascinated... It was called "David with the head of Goliath".

The painting looked terrifyingly beautiful imbued with pain and sorrow. The artwork's details were so great that it was possible to actually see the visualized man's emotions. Even though the background was dark, the well-done highlights on David's body gave the impression of a very powerful light emitting from him. If he stared at it any longer it felt as if he was conquered by goosebumps.

And just when Jungkook decided to look out for other artworks, a pair of long, cold hands covered his eyes. He got stunned to the point he let out a small cry.

"Who's there?"

Jungkook flinched, trying to keep himself from being distressed. It was probably one of his classmates playing a prank on him, he just thought that... but no one from his classmates has the appetite to do something like that.

His classmates prefer to overwhelm by useless talks, words that are too common... They don't care about Jungkook's existence and thoughts... is something are trying to avoid. They prefer same talks and same words to hear from ''What kind of coffee we will drink today'' to ''Which club we will go tonight''. The criticism and the everyday thinking of Jungkook for the unknown, it's not something they care to know about. Even if his thoughts want to open wings for someone's else head.

The pair of hands touched Jungkook's shoulders and suddenly got spun around, just enough to make him notice the owner.

"If you can't take a look at it, then stop trying."

His heart skipped a beat when he realized who made that deep voice... Deep inside he longed for him, The eyes made of stars, widened when his face was close to the point Jungkook could feel his breath. The orange-haired boy's stare pierced through his soul making him feel invulnerable to his charms. His glare felt as if Jungkook was enslaved by pleasant fears until he saw his lips shape a sly smirk.

"It doesn't concern you whether I can look at a painting or not, it's my decision if I choose to appreciate a realistic everlasting form of art regardless how painful and terrifying it looks". Jungkook answered.

I hope it's good for now...
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