chapter 5- Meeting My Idol

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Aussies POV 


I was running, trying to get away from him. He kept getting faster and faster. I tripped and fell hoping he wouldn't find me, sadly my cover was blown when he shined a flashlight and it caught the zipper of my hoodie. He put a bag over my head and threw me in a car.

I woke up 15 minutes later tied to a bed. 'Well well, well. What do we have here' I could practically see his smirk. 'let me go please and I won't tell anyone you kidnapped me..' that got me a hit in the stomach followed by my jeans being removed along with my boxers.

I started screaming and thrashing trying to escape but the cable ties tightened around my wrists and ankles. He cut my legs loose and took the bag off my head allowing me to breathe. I looked up at my kidnapper and started crying. 'P-pierce...? Wh-what did I do to deserve this?' I asked him. 'You left Austin. Just when it was getting good. I wad hoping I wouldn't have to do this but you leave me no choice. I thought we could do this while we were still together!' He yelled. And hit me.


I julted awake crying, struggling to get away from who was holding me in a tight embrace. After I calmed myself down I realized it was derek holding me trying to comfort me. 'Austin what's going on? Who kidnapped you?!?' He asked, worry dripping from every word. Should I tell them? I mran, it would make since to tell them because they're all like family to me.

'Have dad bring the band over and I'll tell all of you guys together.' He nodded and got up taking Spade outside to go potty. I ran upstairs and got clothes ready for a shower. I ran back down stairs and told Derek I was using his shower. He said that's fine and got spade her food and water coming back to his room seeing me take my shirt off. I turned around stripping myself of my boxers and shorts, not realizing he was there. I quickly covered my nakedness by hopping in the shower.

After I washed and dried, I dressed in my blue boxers (a/n American eagle is the best brand;^)) with blue skinnies with patched holes in them and my asking Alexandria shirt with my Raised by Wolves jacket and black DC's not bothering to do makeup or my hair since I'll be crying most of the time anyway.

After Dad, Jacky, and Ryan we were waiting on Ron to get here. I started singing We Don't Have To Dance by Andy Black and broke into dance until I heard laughing and a clapping derek. 'R-Rons here..' he said, calming himself down after his hysterical laughter.

I walked down stairs sitting on the spinning stool. 'Dad, you've gotta hear this too!' I yelled as he came down stairs. 'Imma comin Austin.' He said putting his phone in his pocket sitting next to ron.

I took a deep breath

'I was in 7th grade when it happened. I had started dating a guy named Pierce Jackson. We met through a friend of mine and started dating after a month of talking.

All was perfect until 3 months into our relationship he got a little physical. He started taking his anger out on me because I wouldn't give him sex. His dad was the same way to his wife. I broke up with him after 6 months into the relationship. When I lived with auntie Linda this all went down- he found my location and started stalking me. I was walking home from work, at HotTopic, when he rolled up in a black car and told me to get in or I would be shot. I took off running to the woods. I took out my flashlight and turned it in running through the woods. My legs got  tangled in vines and I fell into a dried creek. I zipped my hoodie and turned my flashlight off hoping he'd run past me. He shined the flashlight in my direction and it reflected my zipper on the hoodie. He ran over and cut my legs free after putting a bag over my head and putting cable ties over my wrists, making it impossible to get free. I got thrown into the car and got knocked out.

Fifteen minutes later I woke up without a shirt on or shoes. My torso was cold as well as my feet. He came in and removed the bag from over my head making it so I could breathe. He told me that I could've stopped all of it from happening. I headbutted him and got hit in the stomach as retaliation. He cut my jeans off me along with my boxers. He saw my length and he got an erection right away. He cut my legs free and sat between them making it hard to kick around.

He..he took my length in whole..not gagging at all. I got scared because I've never released before. I had never even masturbated.' By this time I was bawling. 'I released 3 minutes later and he gets pissed and hits me again. He cut my stomach because pain turned him on. I begged and begged him not to do anything else and got hit in the stomach. I groaned and started crying as he removed his own clothes. He trusted himself into me destroying everything pure inside me...' I finished.

'A few months later aunt Linda went to the store and I jumped into action. I ran to my room and grabbed the blue and gold hairdye from under my bed and did my bangs gold with the rest of my hair blue. I cut my hair to my liking of length and grabbed my eyeliner and put on on after rinsing my hair of the chemicals. She came home an hour later and tried telling me to bleach it out and I told her no. That's why I started living with dad.'I smiled softly. 'Well austin I'm glad you live with me. Derek go help austin change I got someone who wants to meet him who's on their way over' he smiled at me.

I went up and put on black jeans and a Black Sabbath t shirt and some gray skinny jeans and got into a deep conversation with Derek.

Rons POV

Austin was in tears by the time he finished his story. I pulled my phone out and messaged ronnie

Me- does he kno we r bringing Gerard ovr??
McRonnie- No, but I hope he likes meeting him.
Me- Okk McRonnie :》
McRonnie- is that my contact name?

I smirked and put my phone up as ronnie told austin to go change because he's got someone coming over. I stared at Austin as he walked up the steps. Damn he's got a nice ass. Ronnie shakes me out of my thoughts and asks when Gerard will be here. I told him 5 minutes and he's got Brendon Urie with him, too.

'Austin's gonna love this!' Ronnie exclaimed. A knock came from the door and Ryan got up to get it. 'Hey guys. Hell be down in a minute. AUSTIN JAKE RADKE! COME HERE!' Ryan yelled. Austin stalked out of him room and down the stairs.

Aussies POV 

I walked down the stairs threatening to rip Ryans balls off when I saw them. 'Goddamnit Seaman! I'm gonna kick your ass so far into the ground you'll be touching lava with your fucking pubic hair!' I yelled then got cut off by two tall men standing at the door. 'Hey. You must be austin. I'm Brendon, and this is Gerard.' He said walking closer towards me. ' URIE AND GERARD WAY ARE IN MY HOUSE' I yelled, fangirling quite much.

They told me they had a show tonight and I could come backstage since I'm like, their number one fan.


We were at the concert and My Chemical Romance had just finished playing Teenagers and were starting I'm Not Okay when I got a message.

Whore- hey emo! I know where you are! Watch your back :)

I didn't respond because I know who she is. 

Whore- c'mon cutter. I kno u red this mssge. I'm going to come see ur house 2dy. Fggt.

Me- piss off.

Whore- watch it, cutter.

Me- I have a name. Is AUSTIN. Learn it.

Whore- bye cutter.

By the time I finished my conversation Panic! At The Disco was doing the song Nine In The Afternoon

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