Chapter 6; Window Trouble

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**Katie's POV**

When i got home from the long, but amazing walk with Hayes, I went straight up to my bedroom and went on Twitter. I got a new personal message from @303ChelseasBetterThanU, which I am guessing was Chelsea, the schools makeup gaga. She wrote "I saw you walking with Hayes. What did I tell you?! STAY. AWAY. FROM. HIM." the first thing I thought was Jesus christ, can this girl get any more crazy?! Since I felt confident I responded to her with "Whatever you say princess" I thought it was a stupid comeback but it was all I thought of. After that, I got into my comfortable clothes and went downstairs and got a bowl of chips and salsa. Don't judge, since we just moved in, we don't even have cereal or bread! I went over to the couch and turned on the tv and was watching 90's Are All That. It was kind of annoying cause the house was really big and was still kind of empty because we didn't have all of the new furniture bought yet. So instead I turned on Pandora and plugged my phone into the speakers and with the echo it would be a little fun to dance around the house. After a few songs of bouncing around the house I was disturbed by one of our front windows opening. I quickly turned off the music and got one of the kitchen knives. I went into the living room and saw that Hayes was trying to squeeze through the small window but couldn't so he was just squirming in the window. When I saw him I dropped the knife on the couch and was laughing so hard I thought I was gonna die.

When he managed to look up at me, his face was as red as a cherry and he managed to say "help" with a little gasp after that. I went over and brought the window up a little more and jumped through. "so.... Um.... What?!" I said slowly "well.. Um I just wanted.... To say hi?" "lol nice!" "ha. Ha. Ha. I know. I'm hilarious." we both laughed. "nice music you were listening to" "oh haha. I couldn't think of anything better to do sooooo yeah" "well turn the music back on! I want to dance!!" I laughed a little and went into the kitchen to turn the music back on. Gummy Bear turned on and I saw Hayes coming into the kitchen with a weird dance move. It was so funny. We were dancing for 2 hours straight.

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