Chapter 55; Final Argument (with Luke)

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**Hayes' POV**

"Ugh" I groaned. Great she left again. I sat down at the couch and put my head in my hands, the other side of the couch fell and I looked up to see Chelsea.

"Hayes.." I shook my head, "I don't think this is going to work" I looked up at her and she had a sympathetic look on her face. I tried to speak but nothing came out, "I can see that you obviously love Katie".

My eyes got wide and I shook my head, I might like her but I can't be alone. Not now. "No, please don't break up with me" she stood up after I did. "I'm sorry hayes, you should follow your heart. Not your head", then she walked out.

The two most important girls both walked out in a range of 2 minutes. I fell back on the couch, I can't chase her, I would. But I can't. You can't do much when your sick.

- Next Day -

I woke up and felt so much better. So since I was feeling okay I had to go to school. In first period I felt Chelsea kept looking at me. I tried to ignore but it was hard, where's Katie?

Thank god it's Friday, I seriously can't wait to get home and be lazy, Katie's friend leaves tomorrow so she'll hopefully be coming back right away. I really want to apologize, I know she's really upset and I just went and threw the cheating in her face.

After school, I walked home quickly. "Hayes! Hayes!" Yelling, I turned around and saw Chelsea. "Wait. Up" I rolled my eyes and started walking again. "Okay I'm sorry I broke up with you! Can we at least be friends?"

I turned back around with sass this time, "Chelsea, if you still wanted to talk with me, you wouldn't have broken up with me" "just because I broke up with you doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you still, I.. I know you like Katie, it's right in your face. I just didn't want to be broken cause you chose her over me so I broke up with you".

"Chelsea, she's off with another guy, not Luke. Some guy, hell I don't even know his name. They've known eachother and are already close. I couldn't do that in almost a year." She sighed and came closer. "Please, can we just.. Please"

I breathed and shrugged my shoulders, "ahh what the hell. Let's go"

**Katie's POV**

The next day I woke up to a knocking at the door, Savannah was in Alex and Connors room sleeping over there so I was alone. "Just a minute" I went the bathroom and put my hair up so I looked slightly more presentable.

I went to the door and opened it up and Connor paced in with his eyes wide open. "Wha?" "They are crazy!" He yelled. I laughed at him "what happened?" "I wake up and look over at the other bed and see Alex on top of Savannah and they're just making out, 8 in the morning."

I laughed at him and he stared at me dead in the eye, I tried to control my laughter and he slammed his lips onto mine. We held it for about 5 seconds. "We're you jealous o something?" I asked laughing. "Well.. Kinda, I mean I guess it's fine. Savannah is leaving tomorrow and I'm moving home in 2 days so.." "Where are you going with this" "can we go on a ride".

His happy face turned into something sad, great. This isn't going to be good.

We got our penny boards and went to take a ride. He took me to the park and we both sat down. He turned to me and looked into my eyes. "Katie, my parents got another job move" Wait what? "Okay, so? You're staying, right?"

He pursed his lips and shook his head, closing his eyes. I stood up quickly, "no, you can't leave. You wont!" I felt the tears forming in my eyes. He's the first happy thing that has happened to me in a long time.

"Katie" he stood up "dont cry, come here" he pulled me in and I started to cry, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do without Connor. He has helped me with so much in one week. He pulled me away. No.

He cuffed my cheeks with his hands. "Kiss me?" I shook my head and kissed him immediately. We held the kiss until somebody pushed us apart and then I heard a grunt. I opened my eyes and saw Connor on the floor with Luke looking at him angrily.

"What are you doing here Luke?" I honestly don't even feel like yelling. I walked over to Conor and helped him up. "your kissing another guy after 2 days?!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes because this is honestly so annoying, so instead of eing my sensitive self I decided to be sassy.

Then Hayes walked up, good I get an audience. "Okay first of all you cheated on me with some cake face for who knows how long. So you know, 'kissing a guy after 2 days'" I said in a mocking tone. "Isn't as bad as your cheating. Oh and that secret of yours where your goal is to be as 'hot and sexy' as Channing Tatum is a total failure. Just take a second look in the mirror for once and you'll know what I mean. If you still dont understand after that, look at the people around you, Connor and Hayes are both way off the chart your on." I spat.

He hesitated then just started to walk off demanding Hayes to go after him. Hayes stood for another second and looked over at Luke then back at us, then laughed out so loud, then tried to concole himself. Luke mumbled "whatever" then walked away.

Hayes came up to us chuckling little fits of laughter, "that...... was great" Then ran off after Luke and then they were gone. I faced towards Connor and he looked down at me and smiled. I knew he could tell I was sad that he was leaving because he hugged me again and kissed my cheek.

"Hey, we need to make it worth the last day here, for Alex and Savannah too, we should go do the bowing alley or something." I smiled and knew i had to look for tomorrow night.

**Hey guys, it's been a while but I've been brain dead and the beginning of the chapter is really bad and I know, sorry. But hopefully the ending got better. ily guys!! XOXO Stay Strong<3!!

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