The Beginning

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My hands started to shake when I was finished reading Nick's letter. This was not the best way to start a Monday morning. Thanks Nick...

The letter was on my nightstand. I knew Nick had been in my room last night when I was asleep with how my window wasn't shut all the way and a light breeze blew my curtains a little bit, and how my alarm clock was turned away from me. Nick had a weird thing about objects that tell time. He never told me why, just it's a pet peeve of his. A very strange pet peeve if you ask me.

I sighed to myself, and folded up the letter and slipped in into my nightstand drawer, with all the other different things that I probably don't remember I have. I kicked my covers away, and got off my bed. My closet was in front of me, so I walked in and just took off a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I went over to my dresser and got out socks. I slipped into my clothes and went downstairs into the kitchen. I wonder if Dad was up yet. Maybe he was but hasn't come down yet.

I went over to the cabinet and looked through our contents. Captain Crunch for Lizzy...and my Frosted Flakes. I grabbed my box of cereal and set it down on the counter. The dishwasher was open, so I pulled off a small bowl from the bottom rack, wiped it off with a dish cloth, and poured the flakes into the bowl. Carrying the bowl of cereal with me, I went to the fridge and got the milk out. I check the expiration date just in case. I didn't want food poisoning again.

Thankfully, we had about a week before the milk expired, so I poured the milk into the bowl and put it back into the fridge. I went over to the sliverware drawer and got myself a spoon.

 Just as I sat down at the table, Dad walked in looking sharp as always in his fancy suit with a tie, and his suitcase in his left hand. Dad was a lawyer working on a case that refused to close, since the person who started it isn't talking. "Rose, I have to be in court for most of today. I probably won't be home for dinner so you and Liz can order out Chinese or pizza. What ever your endless stomaches want." Dad gave me his million dollar smile. "Where's Lizzy?" I asked,with a mouth full of food. But, it sounded like Wherf Liffy?

Dad raised an eyebrow. "What?"

I swallowed the food. "Where's Lizzy?" I asked again, more clearly. Dad looked around. "Well, I think she is upstairs in her room getting ready for school."

"So she's up?" Dad nodded and looked down at his watch. "I gotta run. Have fun at school." He kissed my forehead and headed to the living room and out the front door.

I hate having a busy father, sine he is never home to take care of me and Lizzy.

I finished my bowl of Frosted Flakes, washed out the bowl in the sink, and put it on the counter. I'll wash the dishes when I get home from school. I looked over at the little clock by the kitchen door. 7:19 I had less that fifteen minutes before the bell rang.

Thank God I live only five blocks away from school.

Lizzy came stomping down the stairs and into the kitchen. Lizzy was thirteen, and in middle school. Meaning she had to ride the bus. Lizzy went over to the cereal cabinet and pulled her box of Captain Crunch from the shelf. "Liz, I got to go. I need to be at school in less than ten minutes. Can you get on the bus yourself?" Liz looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Of course I can, I'm not in kindergarten anymore, Rose. Stop treating me like a five year old." Her little stuck up attitude annoys me, I tell you. But what can I say? We're complete opposites. She's more girly, and me? Well, I tend to like wearing things that most people would call "emo".

Liz gave me a disguised look as I slipped on my worn out converse and my hello kitty messenger bag. "Seriously, Rose? Do you have to wear stuff like that? No wonder why none of my friend's come over." That pissed me off. I swung around and looked her in the eye. "Look here, you little stuck up bitch. I don't give a flying fuck what you think is 'cute'or 'fashionable' Your friends don't come around because of your bossy little attitude." Liz stared at me, with hurt in her eyes. I don't care. I looked back at the clock, and of course. I'm late as always.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2012 ⏰

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