Yasuki Aiji, Chapter 2

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I chose Aiji to give me a tour in school. He has many fans, from seniors to juniors but he doesn’t seem like that fact about him. I wanted to ask but it’s none of my problem and he probably won’t answer it. Maybe it’s his personal problems.

Yuzuru                        : “Aiji is surely takes so long, he’s gonna miss his lunch time”

Natsuki                      : “He must be busy”

Kanzaki                      : “The break is almost over”

Me                               : “Yeah…”

Soon after that, the bell rings and seconds after that Aiji returns.

Yuzuru                        : “Hey, you missed lunch”

Aiji                               : “Yeah that’s fine”

Yuzuru                        : “Okay, if you said so…”

He looks sad again…? Or maybe it’s just my imagination… The teacher comes in the class and the lessons started. I can’t stop thinking about it even I know it’s out from my problem, but still I’m so curious. I’m trying to concentrate during the class but half of my mind is thinking about Aiji. Maybe Natsuki knows a bit about him…

The school is over and the bell rings. Me, Natsuki, and the others are walking to the main gate without Aiji.

Yuzuru                        : “Aiji seems to be busy now”

Kanzaki                      : “I wonder what he’s doing with the band”

Natsuki                      : “Maybe they’re going to perform?”

Kanzaki                      : “Who knows…”

Me                               : “Sorry, I’ve been wondering why he always looks sad when you guys talk about his fans…”

Haruka                       : “That’s…”

Natsuki                      : “We don’t know about it either…”

Yuzuru                        : “He always keeps it himself. He never told us”

Me                               : “Ah I see…”

So he never tells anyone about his true feelings huh?

Masaki                       : “He’s kinda complicated since he was little, don’t worry about it”

Me                               : “You’ve been with him since kids?”

Masaki                       : “Kindergarten”

Me                               : “Wow it’s already for years!”

Natsuki                      : “But Masaki doesn’t know much about him too”

Me                               : “I see…”

Natsuki                      : “Well, see you guys tomorrow!”

Yuzuru                        : “See ya”

Kanzaki                      : “See you!”

Hisashiburi Happiness [Long Time No See, Happiness] - Yasuki AijiWhere stories live. Discover now