Chapter 3

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Blood...I can smell it and felt it as I dropped my victim. The woman I saved already fainted, good for her. What Century is this? Everyone is wearing strange clothing including myself, I looked at my worn out length floral skirt, I am a mess. I should watch this disgusting grime and blood. Foolish girl, what was she thinking trying to overpower a man more powerful than her? I had to do it I had to intervene, or else I'll be hurt as well. This was my body too.

I knew where she lived, I am different from her she is clumsy and often foolish. I try to remain her daintiness towards her maids

"Dios ko po!" one kind woman a Filipino I gather came rushing in to look at me, her name is Manang, or at least she is called by May

"I'm okay" I'm trying hard not to hypnotize her to go away "I fell"

" Always, good thing your mother and father isn't back yet. Go wash yourself before you get sick" her voice was sincere.Nice human. It's been a while I've been treated ever so kindly by humans for centuries. It's time for me retire inside the quarters. Her room smells like roses, she seems to be living comfortably for now. She can't remember anything and she shouldn't or she might become what she was...what I was. The looked at the sunset, it was beautiful, I feel so lucky to be witnessing this grand scenery.

Be careful....

Headaches.Ugh. I opened my eyes and realized it was already Saturday. What happened? I can't remember anything, except having three awful reports to finish and my stomach is killing me. I ran downstairs and saw Manang

"Haynaku" she says, that phrase is famous inside the household even my mom accidentally says it when she's pissed or having a bad day

"Good morning Manang what's for breakfast?" I asked

"Morning? It's already afternoon iha you sleep too long. I make you a pancake and it cold now"

"How long was I out"

"Too long!"

"Um...okay, so brunch it is!" Why am I so giddy today?

I glanced at the television and saw the reporter talking about a gruesome murder that happened yesterday, I watched the crime scene and was frozen to see the dead body. It was a man it's through was ripped, I felt my stomach's insides twisting like a knot. I saw his face, I can barely guess that he was in pain before he died. My thoughts were disturbed as the door rang, Gerard, our butler and husband of Manang opened the door

"Sir Nuriel" he acknowledged "I'm afraid she's not home" he says sternly. Out of my curiosity, I slipped down and was about to see who the mysterious visitor was, but then I felt Manang's hand tug on my shirt, I turned to her and saw her shook her head. I stopped and went back slowly to the kitchen

"Who's the Nurien .guy?" I asked almost in a whisper

"He's...a friend" she is lying, I don't know why I know but I just know

"Why's he looking for my mom"

"He's not"

"So why is he looking for her?"

"He's not looking for her, he's looking for you"

I peeked out the window and tried to look at the man outside with Gerard. I saw his built, he was tall and muscular but not too muscular. His hair was dirty blood and wow... those abs. I tried to blink several times but I only saw him from the back. I can tell he was strong and I saw his sculpted cheeks, I felt that he knew he was being watched. As I turned around I ducked almost immediately.

After a few minutes, the mysterious man disappeared. I sighed, why was I making a big deal out of it. I saw Gerard, I was surprised how pale he looked, he met my eyes and forced a smile. I feel as though they are hiding something from me...everyone.

"Did you hear about that dead guy?" Debra blurted out on the phone

"What do think about it?"

"I think a bear did it"

"Good theory but we don't have bears here in Bertright Heights"

"A wolf then""she says with a laugh


"All I know is that his name was Rufus Dermont, a criminal with over ten cases of rape and manslaughter. I guess karma came to get him"

There was silence, I felt as though my whole body trembled. I keep picturing his face inside my head, the fear in his eyes that I fed upon and I enjoyed every moment of it. I realized my thoughts and gasped

..scared? A voice says in my head

...who are you. I asked

...that's not important May

...I must be crazy I'm talking to myself inside my head.

...Stop putting yourself in danger, so that I don't have to kill someone for you. Her voice was serious and low


...that man you saw on the news, that was our doing... lie...

We killed him.

Debra's voice interrupted my trance, she was still talking about going to the party happening tonight at Gretchen's house

"Well are you going?"

"Yeah sure..."

I put the phone down and sighed. Am I going crazy? I changed into my pajamas and felt a strange sensation in my back. It felt so hot, I rushed to the bathroom and there it was. A tattoo of a bird, with fierce eyes. In my terror I screamed. My father and mother rushed inside my room, the lights were flickering off and on and I felt the whole room moving.

"May?!" My mothers frantic voice called "What's wrong?"

" back"

They saw it and their face fell. I saw my mother's tears fall and my father punching the wall. She cradled me and sobbed some more "Don't worry baby, we're here...we will protect you"

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